Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 285 - Something Strange And It Don't Look Good? Who Are You Going To Call?

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Hey, ghostbusters! Who here has seen a ghost? Well, if not, let's go ghost hunting today or rather ghost making. We are going to whip up ghostly lawn decor that will add some haunting to a lawn of any size. You will need the following:

Step 1: Pound the tomato stake into the ground. Place the tomato cage around the stake.

Step 2: Make a hole in the styrofoam ball and then place it on top of the tomato stake. Wrap the fairy lights around the styrofoam ball and secure in place with tape. Let the end of the fairy lights float in the tomato cage

Step 3: Drape the white fabric over the ball. Consider securing the fabric place with a  thumb tack or two.

Done! Now no need to go ghost hunting. Well, off to brew up another project. See you tomorrow Slimer!