Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 288 - Words Can Haunt You For A Lifetime.

Oh hey. Who thinks words can hurt deeper than wounds? Why do physical wounds heal but when someone verbally hurts us we can carry pain around for a lifetime. When I was in the second grade, a bully told me the only person I would ever marry is the Phillsbury Dough boy. At the time this hurt my feelings but was also very confusing. Did she mean to say I would only marry a pastry? Or the iconic cartoon dough man? Today, this sounds like more of a compliment than a threat. At the time, however, this hurt me deeply. 

In short, words are powerful but also very scary. Let's channel that scary into creating a spooky quote today. Pull out a piece of paper or a notebook and write down the top 5 things that scare you. Now pick one and develop a spooky phrase. 

Here is an example.

Well, off to dig up some more spooky stuff. Until tomorrow witches of words!



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