Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 357 - How Gingerbread Can Make Your Life Better.

Hey, Friends. There are just a few more days left of this crazy "create everyday" experiment. I had many plans to post interesting final projects that would inspire and create change. In short, I wanted to mic drop this blog and end the 365 days with a bang. However, it isn't going to happen. I explained yesterday that a leaky roof had displaced us and we are living someplace else. In short, my office is closed.

So, to combat all the stress, I headed out on a great adventure today. With a five-year-old and a three-year-old in tow, we headed into the city on public transportation. We ate empanadas, had lollipops, met up with great friends, took in the holiday decor, and did holiday shopping. Lastly, we walked through a life-size gingerbread house where the scent of gingerbread was all around us. We watched the gingerbread train scoot around Santa's cookie workshop and forgot for a while that things don't always go as planned.

In short, we created a next door adventure that filled our day with the better. Today, do the same. Forget all the responsibilities and create a next door adventure for yourself. Leave work early and see the holiday lights. Skip the meeting and get hot chocolate. Don't make dinner go out. It's amazing how creating a small experience can make life better.

Until tomorrow.

DecemberAndra Weberyet