Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 66 - Botanical Adventure.

Day 66 - Hey ya! It's Sunday and Sunday means fun day. It's been raining for a couple of days here. We have been locked inside and with only a break in the clouds this morning. After breakfast, I said "Let's go get into some trouble." Which in my book means, let's go do something we wouldn't normally do and then go get a donut.

After some online research and lots of complaining from my companions, we decided to bounce right on over to our local botanical gardens. It just so happens we live by the UC Berkeley Botanic Garden which has a pretty amazing history. It has been around since 1890 and man alive some amazing plants. All of us, including the 2 little critters, were so happy to be outside and see many different sites, sounds and smells. Nature is weird and beautiful. It was a great adventure and it was right in our backyard.

Today's project is to go take an adventure or a walk to a local garden. Take your camera and start photographing. Take different angles. Look at the colors in the vegetation. Listen to the leaves rustle. Report back. Did something blow you away?