Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 106 - Wise Guy.

Day 106 - Aloha! Friday is here. For me, the end of this week doesn't feel like a dreamy day in Hawaii. For some reason, today feels more like a hot humid summer day in the midwest. The feeling is kind of oppressive and uncomfortable sorry Chicago. Perhaps it's because this weekend starts an avalanche of doing, making and thinking for the next few weeks for me. In other words, it's about to get crazy around here. When life gets crazy I always look to wise people in my life for advice. Advice makes me think of one person, my dad. 

It doesn't matter if you are the pharmacist behind the counter at the CVS or the an award winning New York Times novelist, my dad has advice for whoever is standing next to him. His advice is usually on point, kinda funny and never requested. With permission, as long as I never publish the list, he has granted me a top 11 to share.

  1. If there is something in the road...don't hit it.
  2. If you try really, really, hard you will probably pull something.
  3. It's not how good you look but how good you look compared to the person next to you.
  4. Reinventing the wheel is not all least it works.
  5. Save the pieces.
  6. Sometimes you have to feed the dog.
  7. You can't out run a bear.
  8. If you base your life on winning and losing, choose your opponent carefully.
  9. Very few people are the voice of reason.
  10. Buying a hot water heater just seems silly.

Number eleven is my favorite. There is nothing like driving a car and with no steering. Thank goodness for horns an thank goodness for wise people.

Today, reach out to someone wise in your life. Ask them for one or eleven bits of advice. Create a list. I read once that when someone gives you advice, it's a story of their lives. We should learn from their stories even if it's unsolicited. Someday we may need that list.

If you have a few moments, it would be great to hear advice that was pass on to you. Go ahead and add comment on today's post. Don't be shy. Looking forward to reading the list tomorrow.

AprilAndra WeberDad, yet