Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 109 - Shoot The Moon.

Day 109 - Monday! Hello. Diving in head first today into my first official day of the altMBA class. With this altMBA class, a lot of thinking takes place and thinking is always a great place to doubt ourselves. Getting trapped in that big old brain can sometimes feel like a hamster on a wheel. Running and running but never going anywhere fast. With all this thinking I took time out today to do even more thinking about why I am taking this class.

The only thing that kept popping into my brain was the phrase "Shoot The Moon" which roughly translates, attempt the near impossible. However, after some thought to "Shoot The Moon" one needs something to shoot it with so this altMBA class is just that. The bow and arrow needed to "Shoot The Moon." With all that thinking I came up with a new phrase. It will be my guide through this altMBA class. 

"Shoot The Moon, But First Learn How To Bow And Arrow."

Today, think about a goal you want achieve. Now think about an old phrase or quote so that it is your champion for your goal. Write it down. Post it on your bathroom mirror, your computer or on the dash of your car. 

I'm going to get back to working on my aim and sharpen my quiver. See you tomorrow.

P.S. Since Wednesday is Earth Day, I'm going to create less waste all week long. No take out coffee or disposable water bottles this week for me. Who's with me?

AprilAndra WeberaltMBA, quote, yet