Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 112 - Miserably Terrific.

Day 112 - Hey Ya! I have to ask a question today. Who else has ever been miserably terrific? Yes, this altMBA class is making me miserably terrific. It's taking me to the brink of breakdown on a physically, mentally and emotionally level and I am only four days into the workshop. It is stretching every DNA molecule in my body and I don't like it. My lizard brain is saying RUN! FAST! GET OUT OF HERE!

In other words, every part of me wants to quit and give up. I keep trying to talk myself into turning in my books and saying, this has been real. See ya folks. I could then have time to do empty work like folding laundry and watching crappy television, which I love. I could eat breakfast at the table versus over the sink. I could go to bed before the birds start chirping. I might not live up to my full potential but isn't it better to be scared and run?

Insert record scratch here.

Wait, I am going to run from something that might stretch me into the a better person? Well, screw that. Bring it on, cheerleading style, and let's make this experience terrific! Yep, sometimes we just need a good cheerleader with two sparkly pom pons and an overtly, cheerful ponytails to fight down that lizard brain.

Today's project is to create a cheerleader for yourself and make that cheerleader you. Grab Post-It Notes and  write at least 10 phrases that will get you through to the other side of today. Here are 10 to make it easy but create your own if you can: Keep Going!, Good Shot!, Work It!, Make It Go!, Strong Start!, Take Time!, Go Up!, You've Got This!, Right Track! and Remarkable!.

That's all I have today. I'm going to go stare at my Cheerleader notes and hope I make it till tomorrow. If I drowned in knowledge and you don't hear from me, send help! 

AprilAndra WeberaltMBA, yet