Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 118 - Keep Going.

Day 118 - Hey you. I was thinking again today. Someone stop me! My altMBA classmates have been asking me about this blog and they don't really understanding why I started it or how I can post everyday. One even told me it was a sunk cost and maybe it wasn't worth the time commitment. Today, I started to doubt myself, maybe I should just forget about creating everyday? Maybe I should toss this blog out in the virtual garbage can. After all, maybe It's far better to shut this window right now, turn off my computer and walk away. This blog is risky. It is hard to do everyday. I'm tired. I should just quit.

More thinking brought me to this idea. It would be much easier to never take one step today to create: a book, a haiku, a movie, a new app, write one word, draw a first doodle, shoot for the moon, develop the business plan, write the first line of code, make a new friend, plant the first seed, sing the first bar, click the first photo, make a new YouTube channel, define a goal, gratitude, a quote, a decision tree, a first, a bucket list, a business, a collection, a cartoon, peace, advice, a website, a computer, a beautiful room, a podcast, webcast, a new way of thinking, a manifesto or anything.

It's much easier to sit and tell ourselves, we will buy the right book to set us on our plan, set a milestone to tackle our project, take time to find the perfect workshop and then do it tomorrow. Tomorrow is always reasonable. After all we are so busy today.

In the words of my wise grandmother, that's hog wash. We have to keep going. It's the only way to make change. So today's project is simple. Get started on the project you want to create. Go. Do it. Take one step today. Keep going.

I have to get back to some thinking but drop me a line about your project and I'll catch you on the other side of tomorrow!



AprilAndra WeberaltMBA, yet