Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 99 - altMBA.

Day 99 - Hi Ya! Here's Friday. While, I'd love for all of us to go out for a drink and celebrate the end of one more excellent but exhausting week, I have some reading to do. Today, a big brown heavy box was delivered by a very handsome UPS man. However, the contents were even more handsome. Nine interesting reads, a note from the director of the altMBA workshop Wes Kao and a bag of granola. Kidding. They bag looked like granola which would have been amazing because I love granola but what was inside was even more amazing, inspiring words from Wes herself along with a super cool badge of honor.

Some people have been asking me what is the altMBA? Here's the short on the altMBA. It's an online leadership and management workshop created by bestselling author Seth Godin. The long of it is, it provides levers and gears to make change in the world. It pushes the leaders to do more, be more and think more. It's about creating a ruckus and letting go of fear.

Here is another way to think of it. It's like warbling through the worst karaoke song, dropping the mic and then saying "Let's do that it again." It's running away with the ball and starting a new game. It's getting together with all your good friends for beers, thinking up the next big thing and doing it.

I'm really honored to be a part of this workshop. I'll keep you posted on how I have bitten off more than I can chew. In the meantime, let's talk about today's project.

Go start something that scares you today. Make a new recipe, karaoke your heart out, call that person, start writing a chapter, sketch that idea and just go. Start it now. Start it today.

I've got to run. The granola is calling me and so is some serious reading. Until tomorrow...

AprilAndra WeberaltMBA, yet