Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 133 - Fresh Thinking.

Day 133 - What's Up Today? Do you ever feel like things need to freshen up? Yep! I feel I need to do something fresh on this blog. My 4 year old daughter has been obsessed with collages. She has been cutting little pictures from old magazines for days and gluing them to pieces of paper. She then makes up stories within her collage and draws overlays. It's pretty incredible thinking. What happens to us as we get older? Why do we loose that sense of unabandoned creativity?

4 Year Old Creating.

4 Year Old Creating.

Well, I decided to take a clue from my 4 year old and create a collage for today's project and you should try to do the same. It's incredibly enlightening and fun. You just need glue, discarded magazines, scissors, paper and imagination. 

Food. I Think Of You Often.

Food. I Think Of You Often.

It's really interesting how this did created a freshness to my thinking and added a new approach to my tool box. I hope you find it does the same for you. Happy clipping and gluing. See you tomorrow!

MayAndra Webercollage, yet