Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 139 - Ship It.

Day 139 - Hey gang. Wednesday is here and although it hasn't been a full week, I am ready for the weekend. In short, I am shorted out. The altMBA was amazing but it took sprinting a full four weeks and now I want to collapse. Going into the program, there was one key point that was instilled throughout. You have to "ship it." Whatever you are trying make or do it's never going to be perfect. Perfection is fear hiding. 

I Didn't Want To Ship This. What Do You Think?

I Didn't Want To Ship This. What Do You Think?

Today, ship something. Show someone your story, drawing, website, recipe, business idea or photo that you just don't think is quite good enough to send out into the world. Showing someone this artifact should make you feel uncomfortable and nervous. Create tension in yourself. Notice how you feel before and after the big reveal. 

Let me know how it goes and see you tomorrow.

MayAndra Weberyet