Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 141 - Jokes On.

Day 141 - Hey guys. Who wants to joke around today? Who thinks Friday is a great day to tell a good joke? There is just something about Friday that lends itself to making light of the what's going on around us so we can ease into the weekend. Today, I thought we could try to write a joke. Now, let me be clear, attempting to write a joke is a stretch for me. Comedy is a tough business. Getting people to laugh takes a certain kind of magic. After a very short search on the Google, I found this site, Jerry Corley's Comedy Clinic that helped me develop my first joke.

Here goes nothing:

At breakfast, my husband used a rock to bust open a gallon of orange juice and shoveled eggs in his mouth with his hands. When I asked him what the hell he was doing, he replied "Justifying my unibrow."



Today's project is to develop and deliver a joke. According to  Jerry Corley's Comedy Clinic think what is new, what has changed and what have I acquired. Break the idea down further by asking Who? What? Why? Where? When? How? and then pick your audience. What was the hardest part? 

Let me know how your joke goes over and signing off with "That's all folks!"


MayAndra WeberFunny, yet