Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

150 - Life Lemonade.

Day 150 - Greetings from the land of lemons. Yep, we have a lemon tree and boy is it full of fruit. Personally, I love everything about a lemon. They are delicious in just about anything. Lemons can be used to clean stuff and beautify the body inside and out. Who doesn't love a cup of hot water with lemon? Nothing says summer better than a glass of cold, sweet, tart lemonade. A bowl of lemons sitting out on a counter says home sweet home. In short, lemons are an amazing little fruit and make life lovely.

Today, grab some lemons. What can you create with them? I'll leave this creating project up to you today. Maybe it's a piece of artwork or a homemade lemon, gin and tonic? How about a lemon tart? A lemon photo still life? Make up a game with the lemons and call it lemon toss. Paint a room lemon yellow.

Well, whatever project you decide may it be sweet and sour. I've got to get back to sipping on some lemonade and enjoying the start of summer. See you tomorrow lemon heads!

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