Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 127 - Goodfinder.

Day 127 - Hey you! Woop Woop. It's Friday. This is going to be a short post today because although I didn't have any margaritas yesterday, I think I have a hangover. It's a knowledge hangover. The altMBA has pushed me to think very differently and not unlike the Apple Super Bowl commercial of the 80's, it's smashing the idea of myself. (Not to be confuse with the Wendy's "Where's The Beef?" commercial.) It's making me realize how I can be a more generous, a bigger and better person. One idea that we are discussing is how to be a "Goodfinder." 

Here is the project today. Three times today, find someone doing something right. Be a "Goodfinder." Tell someone in person, write them or call them to tell them what they are doing right. Create a practice that nourishes you and the person you are praising.

Let me give you a personal example of how this can be powerful. I have realized I have gotten into the terrible habit of becoming negative. After sending a text praising this person, here is the text exchange:

Gulp. This made me realize I need to do a better job of finding good and praising people in my life. I have spent too much time on the negative. I'm going to work on being a "Goodfinder" today and always.

Let me know how your "Goodfinding" creates change. See you tomorrow!