Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 208 - Advice Line.


Hello. It's Monday and I need some wise words to get through the day. It's one of those days where advice would come in handy. I read somewhere that advice is a biography of a person's life. It's a cautionary story people tell others. Today, I was thinking of advice I would share. What is something I have learned that would help someone reframe a problem? Hum, I think we have today's project. 

Create a line of advice that would help others. Now, share it today. Post it on social media, text a friend or call your mom. The key is making the advice based on something that has happened in your life and then pass it along.

I'm going to get back to contemplating other lines of advice and thinking up tomorrows next big project. See you tomorrow friends!



JulyAndra Weberwords, quote, yet