Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 232 - Training Wheels.

Hey there kids. I'm stirring things up around here and trying to teach my 3 year old how to ride a bike. It's interesting seeing him struggle with the fear to ride. He's a pretty adventurous and brave little one. It's, therefore, surprising to see him struggle with something new. What is it about something new that bubbles up anxiety and fear? Why can't we just take the training wheels off and go?

In the spirit of trying something new, I signed up for a Zumba class last night. If you haven't heard of Zumba it's a high energy dance class usually set to latin music. I kicked off my training wheels and gave Zumba a whirl. I specifically picked Zumba because it's something that created tension for me. Could kicking off the training wheels dance the fear right out my head? well, I looked 100% like an over caffeinated marionette but felt 100% proud that I tried something new.

Today, pick an activity that is new for you. Go bowling for the first time. Try karaoke. Pick a new yoga class. Sign up for Improv. Create tension by trying something new. Stretch yourself. Stretch your mind.

I'm going to get back to stumbling over my feet to master the samba. Let me know if your training wheels fly off and see you tomorrow kids!

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