Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 246 - Dreamland.

Oh, hey. Zzzzzz. Sorry I fell asleep. Have you ever had one of those days when you just can't keep the old peepers open? Yes, today I'm fighting off dreamland. I could grab a late cup of coffee or do a couple of jumping jacks. However, the recommendation is to go get shut eye. We often brush off sleep as something akin to having a craving for a cookie. However, sleep isn't a luxury baked good. It's important part of our physical and mental well being. Studies show adults need more sleep than we allow ourselves, an estimated 8-10 hours of sleep a night. Who has time for that kind of sleep? 

Since starting this blog, I myself get about 5 hours of shut eye a night. The lack of sleep stems from the fact I am going to bed directly after working on creating and my mind is whirling. I'm effectively teaching my body to crash into sleep by not creating wind down time. In short, it's important to have a slow down routine to get off to sleep.

Today's project is to create a bedtime routine. Get our minds ready for dreamland. Take a hot bath, spritz some lavender on your pillow, meditate, read a book, dim the lights, skip caffeine after 3:00 or watch a little television (not in bed). The key is to make a pattern of slow down time so the body recognizes it's a moment to get shut eye.

Well, I'm scooting off to count some sheep and power down the smart phone. Tell the Sandman hello. Until tomorrow sleepy heads! 

SeptemberAndra Weberyet