Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Week 4 - Why It's Important To Call Your Representative Today.

Sometimes we don't agree where things are heading with the world around us. It can feel like we don't have control over the big future. Here is the bad news, we don't have control of much. Here is the good news, we do have the freedom to contact people who can direct the future in a certain way. In fact, we can call someone who has the power to make the change we want to see here in America.

Some of us may tend to overlook or forget that we elect members of Congress, and they are civil servants. They are elected to enact legislation that will create the freedoms for tomorrow. I am embarrassed to admit that I only vaguely know who represents me in Congress. That is to say, I don't know their background or their stories. Yet, they are upholding my freedoms. Anyone can look up their federal representatives: two Senators represent an entire state and one U.S. Representative accounts for a specific district. They can be found here and here. All you need is a zip code.

Now off to do research on my representatives and perhaps use my freedom and dial up my Congressperson. How about you?

Until tomorrow Great Americans.

JanuaryAndra Weberyet