Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Week 8 - How The Snow Can Make Life Amazing And Joyful.

A long, long time ago when I was just a tiny little creature, I lived in a vast open space where it snowed a lot. In fact, I remember one blustery winter night when a blizzard raged outside. My fine parents struggled to keep the snow and cold out of our house. They resorted to covering the kitchen door with a My Little Pony sleeping bag as snow fought its way through the slim cracks in the door and the floor. After a night of full of flurries and drama, I woke up, turned on the radio and held my breath. I waited for the announcer to call our district a snow day. When they did, I excitedly jumped around then suited up into random, mismatched, cold weather gear, including a pair of crazy hot pink moon boots. Digging through the garage, I found the flimsy, yellow plastic sled that would fill my morning with simple joy.

I was out on the back hill for hours, climbing and sledding down. The freezing ice flakes seeped into every crack my gear would allow. Snow went up the gloves and down the boots making me cold, wet and alive. Huffing and puffing up the hill, I could smell the icy snowflakes and take in the beauty of the freshly fallen snow. With just a top coat of white powdery frosting, a quite hush fell over the landscape. After hours of cold wet sledding, I'd go inside and beg my mom for a cup of hot cocoa. I remember feeling joy with every sweet, chocolaty sip.

That lovely moment was years ago. There have been only a handful of snowy moments since then and they can't compare to the simple joy of that particular snow day. Soon, I'm headed up to the snow with little ones of my own. I hope to show my kids how simple things in life can create memories and bring joy.

Today, do something simple that will make your life amazing and joyful.

Until tomorrow Snow Birds.

FebruaryAndra Weberyet