Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Week 11 - How Taking The Day Off Can Give Life Perspective.


Being sick is an awful way to start a week. Yesterday because of a stomach bug, I was curled up in a fetal position, under the covers, hoping to sleep the day away. I couldn't move. All that provided comfort was hiding under the covers. As I hid under the sheets starring my phone cover, I thought of all the work I needed to do. I realized working solo has lots of advantages, but when you can't do the job, nothing gets done. As I heard my husband nudging the kids around, getting them ready for school and preparing food for them, I realized the amount of love that builds a family. As pulled myself out of bed try to get on with my life, my head told me to lie back down and get more rest. I realized the amount of energy it takes to keep going. As I felt miserable in my body, it all put life in perspective.

Nothing is possible unless we are well. It takes a lot to get through the day. It takes a lot to make our lives happen. It is why we should stay in bed when we are sick. We should take care of ourselves when we are well. We should take the day off and enjoy our lives because having space can create a particular perspective we can lack in our daily lives.

I'm back at my desk today but thankful for yesterday. It allowed me to take in the broad view.

How about you? Is a day of rest in your future?

Until tomorrow friends.




MarchAndra Weber