Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

This Is What Happens When You Don't Get A Good Night's Sleep.

Some of us might be running on a few hours of sleep today, and it's killing us. No one needs to tell us that less sleep equals more mistakes, more accidents, and more of a chance for sickness. We all have felt the effects of not getting enough shuteye. We drag through the day, need copious amounts of coffee to make it to dinnertime and feel an all day crummy slump.

However, how many of us have eaten an entire cheesecake for breakfast, used our car keys to try to open the refrigerator, placed a dozen eggs in the cupboard, put a dirty diaper on your six-month-old and brushed our teeth with hemorrhoid cream instead of toothpaste all because of a crappy nights sleep?

Oh, please tell me these moments have happened to you too. 

Let's create some laughs today. What was your funniest moment induced by a lack of slumber?

Until The Laughs Start Friends.





AprilAndra Weberyet