Andra Weber Creative
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Conquer Your Fear Of Making Great Bread This Year.


This won't come as a surprise.

Bread is delicious.

This won’t come as a surprise either.

Bread is a tricky thing to create.

With easy access to grocery store offerings and farmers market finds, making bread requires a set of skills that most of us don't need to survive daily life. We can pick up a loaf of pre-sliced bread and move on with our day. Convenience has slowed the art of making bread. 

Who, however, doesn't love a warm, chewy, and buttery piece of homemade bread?

Yes, exactly, everyone!

As pointed out above, the few times I have made yeast bread, it has been a tricky feat. My loaf always turns out tough and somewhat dry, including the last post where I made Chocolate Babka With Mixed Nuts. Let me be clear the recipe from Jen, from Jen Reviews, was a delightful and perfectly simple recipe that made our Saturday delicious.

However, my bread baking skills didn’t quite present the overall soft dough I was hoping to conquer. Yes, the inside was soft, chocolatey, and heavenly. The outside was tough as leather and dry as sand, which made me declare like the Queen of Hearts, "This year I want to make better bread!"

After a bit of research, here are the top 3 reasons bread can turn out tough and dry:


You can find more description and answers here at The Reluctant Gourmet.

If you have any tips and tricks on the art of making great bread, please send them over. There might just be a fried apple muffin recipe in it for you.

Until tomorrow friends.

SeptemberAndra Webertoday, yet