Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Focus On Gratitude And Joy This November With These 3 Creative Ideas.

Hi, Creative Friends-

November is here, holiday demands abound, and as the year comes to a close, we can feel our old friend stress make a rude entrance. This makes it a great time too, to pause and find gratitude. Did you know creating a gratitude practice can create overall wellness? The benefits include everything from feeling more positive emotions to strength in friendships.

Here are 3 Creative Ideas On How To Focus On Gratitude This November…

  1. Find Your Rose. Bud. Thorn: Finding gratitude and empathy for our lives can be as simple as asking at the end of the day “What was my rose? What was my bud? What was my thorn today?” My nine-year-old brought this idea home from school and I think it’s been invaluable for connecting and finding gratitude for ourselves and finding joy with each other. Read more about the “Rose. Bud. Thorn.” exercise here.

  2. Health Visuals: Having gratitude for our bodies and minds can be a daunting task. Taking care of our health can sometimes be last on our list of priorities until we are faced with a health challenge. Surrounding ourselves with positive visuals can be an important step in a gratitude practice. Whether it is posting positive affirmations like this “You Are Doing Great!”, framing one of these fresh original Satsuma watercolors, or gifting a La Moustache art print for the Movember Movement, each can be a reminder to make November healthy.

  3. Branch Out: The simple act of writing down can lead help with gratitude by making it tangible. Try this DIY project the whole family can participate in: “How To Make A Gratitude Tree” from the Artful Parent. Use these FREE special leaf art to create a tree full of beauty, joy, and gratitude.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or what you are doing to find gratitude this November.

Also, thanks for reading along. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

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Keep going, creative friends!

