Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

3 Creative Ideas To Lean Into Doubt When Things Aren't Terrific.

Hi, Creative Friends-

Doubt. It’s the killer of dreams. It can pop up in an instant like an old leaky pipe or a sneaky house cat ready to pounce. Doubt is a destructive jerk who can stop us from living out the most creative part of our lives. When we start to feel like things aren’t terrific and we are about to give up on our dreams…

Here Are 3 Creative Ideas To Lean Into Doubt…

  1. Tap Into The New: Poetry generally doesn’t move me but I stumbled upon a beautiful poem from the American Poet Langston Hughes, called “Dreams.” It is beautiful, short, and complicated but inspires us to hold fast to what makes us whole.

  2. Write It Down: Dreams can fade away if we don’t make them concrete. The first step is to push away doubt by writing down dreams. Here is a great way to keep that dream top of mind and make it a part of a daily routine. Download this FREE “Lean Into Doubt” Smartphone artwork and fill in one dream with the smartphone photo editor. Save this as your artwork or background with your dream in place. Now every time you view your phone screen you will be reminded to lean into doubt and dream big.

  3. Ask For An Artists Help: Sometimes we get stuck in our own heads and there is nothing more destructive than hearing our own doubts like:

    “You can’t do this.”

    “You are not talented enough.”

    “Why waste your time when you could be making money doing something REAL?”

    Artists wrestle with this doubt monster every damn day. That’s why reaching out to an established artist can be helpful for anyone. Find a class an artist offers, follow them on social media to see their process, or email them to ask how they fight doubt when things aren’t terrific. Knowing we are not alone in our doubts can make our creative work better and our dreams a reality.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on and how you lean into creative doubt.

  1. Also, thanks for reading along. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

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    Keep going, creative friends!

