Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 30 - The Creative Habit.

Day 30 - Is this thing on? Tap. Tap. Tap the mic. Have you ever felt alone? As if no one is listening? Have you ever been in the middle of a project at work, home or school and thought, "Why am I doing this?" "Does anyone care?" "Am I doing this for nothing?" Yep, that is self-doubt creeping in like red wine on a cream carpet. It makes us panic. 

In these times of doubt, we need to look to others who have beaten down the path and created in spite of doubt. Take Twyla Tharp. A dancer, choreographer and creative leader who has written and lived the life of creating. "The Creative Habit - Learn It And Use It for Life" (affiliate link) is a  must read book for anyone looking to develop a creative process. This idea can be applied and transform the way you approach any project from school, home or work. "The Creative Habit" tells us that creating the life we want is a process. It requires dedication, practice and above all habit. Now, for today's assignment. Think about someone in your life that has defied the status quo and created. Write down their name and write about their habits in your LBNB. Then acquire this book. Happy thinking & reading!