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Posts tagged LBNB
Day 38 - Do The Super Bowl Shuffle.

Day 38 - Super Fans! Are you ready for the Super Bowl? America's #1 day full of the best guacamole, beer and the most expensive, not to mention the most creative commercials of the whole year. The average cost of a Super Bowl commercial last year was 5 million dollars for 30 seconds of air time. That is a whopping $166,666 a second. Gulp.

This brings me to a question for you. If you wear a t-shirt today advertising your reason for watching the super bowl, what would it say? Today's project is to think up a phrase you would iron on your shirt. Write it down in your LBNB (affiliate link). If you have time between bites of hot wings and Budweiser, maybe sketch up how your shirt would look. Think of the color, the text and any images that would appear on the shirt. Here are some ideas:

How Much Can We Charge Per T-Shirt?

How Much Can We Charge Per T-Shirt?


What do you think? You have a mouth full of nachos? Ok. I'll check in with you tomorrow. Happy Super Bowl folks!

Day 33 - Groundhog Day.

Day 33 - Groundhogs listen up. It's time for spring so don't get any ideas about scurrying back into that cave. Hey, embrace your shadows and welcome in the daffodils. 

That brings be to todays project. We are going to embrace shadows by pulling out your LBNB and a pen. Set the notebook down and open the pages flat. In a place with strong light, pick a small object that is lying around. For some reason, I have a small red kangaroo figurine on my desk. Where do these things come from?


Now take the object and hold it over the page about one (1) inch away from the paper. Look at the object's shadow and trace it 10 times. In the spirit of Groundhog Day (affiliate link) the movie, repeat 10 more times until you feel it's right. Neato hu? Now, as Bill Murray stated in Groundhog Day (affiliate link) "Don't drive angry." or in case of this blog "Don't draw angry." Ha. Happy Groundhog Day!

Day 30 - The Creative Habit.

Day 30 - Is this thing on? Tap. Tap. Tap the mic. Have you ever felt alone? As if no one is listening? Have you ever been in the middle of a project at work, home or school and thought, "Why am I doing this?" "Does anyone care?" "Am I doing this for nothing?" Yep, that is self-doubt creeping in like red wine on a cream carpet. It makes us panic. 

In these times of doubt, we need to look to others who have beaten down the path and created in spite of doubt. Take Twyla Tharp. A dancer, choreographer and creative leader who has written and lived the life of creating. "The Creative Habit - Learn It And Use It for Life" (affiliate link) is a  must read book for anyone looking to develop a creative process. This idea can be applied and transform the way you approach any project from school, home or work. "The Creative Habit" tells us that creating the life we want is a process. It requires dedication, practice and above all habit. Now, for today's assignment. Think about someone in your life that has defied the status quo and created. Write down their name and write about their habits in your LBNB. Then acquire this book. Happy thinking & reading!

Day 29 - Mom Jeans. Dad Jeans.

Day 29 - Hey Folks! It's Friday. TGFMJ! In other words, Thank Goodness For Mom Jeans because it's time to pull them on and soak up Friday. Men, this post is for you too because there are some terrific Dad jeans out there. Where am I going with this post you ask?

We are going to fire up the creative juices by pulling out our LBNB and sketching something that makes us giggle. For some reason the phrase Mom or Dad jeans just gives me a good belly laugh. Try googling "Mom Jeans" or "Dad Jeans" adorable right? Now, take 7 min or so to think of something that makes you chuckle and draw it. Now let's hear from you. What gives you a Friday laugh?

Day 28 - A Motto.

Day 28 - It's day 28! Holy moly. Where did the day go? Is it just me or do we get caught up in the everyday. We rush from place to place. We put on our shoes, catch up on e-mails and wash the dishes. We get so many things accomplished but how many of us stop and ask if we have a motto? A set of words that defines us? Maybe drives us? 

Today, take 5 min to reflect on a phrase that can become your personal motto. Pull out that LBNB and write down the words. Tear out the sheet and slip the words under your pillow. Does it feel right? Do the words feel like something that you can live by? If so, share here in the comments section. My motto is still a work in progress but in the meantime, here is personal motto from a close friend and very funny lady. It's a reminder that our mottos don't have to be completely serious. Ha!