Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 337 - Why Drawing On Anger Will Make You Happier.

Hello! It's just one of those days when I see red. I'm just downright mad today. I know all the phrases. Don't drive angry. Blow a gasket. Blow a fuse. Fit to be tied. The phrases are never ending and so is the anger today. Everyone I talk to says we shouldn't get mad. We should step back and take in the bigger view of life and see what is happening right now doesn't deserve our negative energy. So why do we get angry? Is it necessary?

Here is an excellent article in Psychology Today. "Go Forth In Anger" describes how getting angry is a positive emotion. It's often the catalyst for change. 

"Researchers are amassing evidence that anger is a potent form of social communication, a logical part of people’s emotional tool kit, an appetitive force that not only moves us toward what we want but fuels optimisum creative brainstorming, and problem solving by focusing mind and mood in highly refined ways. Brainwise, it is the polar opposite of fear, sadness, disgust, and anxiety—feelings that prompt avoidance and cause us to move away from what we deem unpleasant. When the gall rises, it propels the irate toward challenges they otherwise would flee and actions to get others to do what they, the angry, wish."

In short, anger has gotten a bad wrap over the years, and we shouldn't try to be apathetic to anger. We should ask, how do we harness the power of anger to produce something positive? Let's try drawing on anger. Today's project is to pull out a piece of paper, marker and draw out your anger. How does your anger look? What colors would depict rage? Is there a particular texture that evokes passion for you? Use the emotion to create something new.

I'm off to stew with my feelings and create a plan from my anger. Until tomorrow.