Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 33 - Groundhog Day.

Day 33 - Groundhogs listen up. It's time for spring so don't get any ideas about scurrying back into that cave. Hey, embrace your shadows and welcome in the daffodils. 

That brings be to todays project. We are going to embrace shadows by pulling out your LBNB and a pen. Set the notebook down and open the pages flat. In a place with strong light, pick a small object that is lying around. For some reason, I have a small red kangaroo figurine on my desk. Where do these things come from?


Now take the object and hold it over the page about one (1) inch away from the paper. Look at the object's shadow and trace it 10 times. In the spirit of Groundhog Day (affiliate link) the movie, repeat 10 more times until you feel it's right. Neato hu? Now, as Bill Murray stated in Groundhog Day (affiliate link) "Don't drive angry." or in case of this blog "Don't draw angry." Ha. Happy Groundhog Day!