Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 38 - Do The Super Bowl Shuffle.

Day 38 - Super Fans! Are you ready for the Super Bowl? America's #1 day full of the best guacamole, beer and the most expensive, not to mention the most creative commercials of the whole year. The average cost of a Super Bowl commercial last year was 5 million dollars for 30 seconds of air time. That is a whopping $166,666 a second. Gulp.

This brings me to a question for you. If you wear a t-shirt today advertising your reason for watching the super bowl, what would it say? Today's project is to think up a phrase you would iron on your shirt. Write it down in your LBNB (affiliate link). If you have time between bites of hot wings and Budweiser, maybe sketch up how your shirt would look. Think of the color, the text and any images that would appear on the shirt. Here are some ideas:

How Much Can We Charge Per T-Shirt?

How Much Can We Charge Per T-Shirt?


What do you think? You have a mouth full of nachos? Ok. I'll check in with you tomorrow. Happy Super Bowl folks!