Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 122 - May Day.

Day 122 - Good morning, good morning! It's May 1st and that means it's May Day.

When I was about five years, old every May Day, my Mom and I would go out to her garden. We would cut the most beautiful perfect flowers. Together, we would take each beautiful bud inside and then snip them into a beautiful bouquet. Together we would then make a construction paper cone vase with a handle. We would drive to Ms. Carol's house, where we would slowly and quietly inch up the long driveway. My mom would tell me to jump out of the car, run up to Ms. Carol's door, knock on the door yelling "MAY DAY" leave the flowers on the door nob and run back to the car. It was always a May Day surprise for Ms. Carol and wonderful memories for my mom and I.

This year, I decided to start the same tradition with my daughter in hopes she will carry on the May Day tradition. Today's project is to make a special May Day basket, go knock on a neighbors door, yell "May Day" and run!

Let me know how the surprise goes and have a great May Day!

MayAndra Weber