Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 123 - 4 Months Down.

Day 122 - Good morning! Hope everyone had a great weekend. It just hit me that it is May 1st is gone. This means it's this blog has been going strong at four months. The four months has gone by like a flash. There are many people who ask me how I can do this everyday. My new response is "how can I not do this blog everyday?" It makes me think about things beyond myself and provides a challenge to construct meaning beyond me. My hope is it's bringing meaning to you the reader and inspiring change in you. I never went into this adventure hoping for measurable results but I can safely say at this point the one measurable result is the change I feel in myself and I hope you as the reader feel a change too. 

Today's project is to look over the work, projects and life. Think about the progress you have made in the last four months and reflect on where you started and where to go next. Maybe jot down thoughts in your notebook.

Here's to eight more months of this crazy experiment! See later kids.

MayAndra Weber