Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 124 - Hit Pause.

Day 124 - Hello again! It's Tuesday and it seems like it's one of those days where hitting pause would make life magically fall inline. Speaking of which, I just wrapped up a big project over in my altMBA class which was about pausing before making action. The project had it's ups and downs and team turmoils but the project ended with a developed marketing campaign. I won't go into too much detail about the project but funny enough as I was going through my day today, I used this pause it idea several times. Specifically to stop negativity or stop myself from making a bad of the moment decision. However, there were also a few moments to pause and take in something positive about the day. This pause idea seems powerful. Hum.

Todays, project is to create pause. When you feel yourself making a decision where emotions rule, hit the pause button. Examples could be pause before eating, pause before blurting out words, pause as the kids snuggle into bed or just hit pause when you need to take a breath.

Let me know how hitting the pause button feels. I'm going to get back to studying up for my next project but I will see you tomorrow!