Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 166 - Being Human.

Day 166 - Oh hey. Yep, throwing in the towel today. Why not? Who cares? Do you hear me throwing my tantrum over here? Tantrum. I love that word. Who doesn't like a good tantrum? If you are a parent, you can see a tantrum a mile away. It's when screaming and endless crying creates an unabashed spectacle. I read an interesting book a few years ago about how the brain works. It broke down the stages of a child's tantrum to the logical brain and the emotional brain having difficulty agreeing on a resolution. 

As we mature into adults, it seems as if we should have the ability to manage the two sides of our brain. I, however, have witnessed talented and very mature adults tantrum. Today, I am finding myself empathizing with said adults because what is happening in the world right now seems senseless. My emotions are running high. When I am in this state, I think of my brilliant and talented friend Kari. She always says, "Being a human is hard." We have to feel stuff that might go against what we think. Life gets sticky, life get messy and to put it lightly life gets hard. Sometimes it feels like the best thing to do to immediately feel in control, is to throw a big hellacious tantrum. However, I am going to propose another way balance out the brain. 

Today or when you are feeling particularly on the fringe, try drawing, singing or dancing. Use the creative side of your brain to let out the crazy, bottled-up emotions. Let's think about it. When angry, doesn't it feel better to stomp around a bit? When firmly planted in a long meeting, doesn't doodling feel great? Stuck in traffic? Turning up the tunes and belting out a ballad is such therapy. Create balance in your brain today. Use your creative tools. They help us ride the wave to become human.

Well, I am going to pump up the volume, pump up the jam and pull out my notebook and try to make sense of all this stuff going on around us. Let me know how your surfing goes, take care and see you tomorrow, humans.

JuneAndra Weberyet