Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 167 - Superhero Power.

Day 167 - POW! Morning! It's Wednesday and I am realizing I am going to need superpowers to make it to Friday. Today I asked myself, what kind of superhero would l be? What would I look like? What is my superhero power? Would I fight for the dark side or the light side? As a superhero, who is my nemesis? Most importantly, is my superhero outfit amazing? 

Today's project is to make a list of your superhero powers and then draw yourself as a superhero. We are all superheroes and sometimes need to remind ourselves of what we have to offer the world. Ponder the above questions and then superpower dive into a doodle of yourself in your superhero gear. Reveal it to other superheroes in your life. Think about all the good (or evil) you bring to the world.

I need to get back to trying design anything while flipping panackes. See you tomorrow superheroes!

JuneAndra WeberDrawing, yet