Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 209 - Dream Weaver.

Oh, hey sleepyhead. Morning. It's hard waking up isn't it? At least for me. Some nights, I have wild and crazy dreams. There was the dream I stared down a wolf, the time I was abducted by a witch and the classic dream of flying like a bird. Dreams are funny and powerful. They can be filled with emotions and filled with learnings. Check out this interesting article from the New York Times on dreams and how they are a replay of experiences from the day "Why We Need To Dream."

Now, for today's or tonights project. Place a notebook and pen by your bed. Write down a dream from a nap or tonight's slumber. Create a note to help you remember the dream. The note might just be the catalyst for your next amazing project. It might also provide insight of the world around you.

I'm off to get a nap and stare down an boogiemen. Send me a note and let me know how the Sandman has been treating you. See you tomorrow Dream Weavers!

JulyAndra Weberdreams, yet