Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Posts tagged Class
Creativity Is Free So Join In On the Fun.

// Hello, Friends-

We are living in strange times. With a pandemic circulating the globe and shelter-in-place orders restricting our freedoms, we find ourselves suddenly forced inside, together, for who knows how long.

Schools are shut.

Our workplaces are closed.

Food insecurity is running high.

Toilet paper is the new currency.

Panic is the new normal.

We feel alone and overwhelming.

However, there is always light in dark times. Let me offer up a solution for at least a few minutes a day. Tap into your creative magic. How?

Adults and kids join me at 10 am PST, Monday through Friday, on Instagram Live for little creative projects that will distract, entertain and make you giggle just a bit.


You don’t need many supplies. Just paper, markers or crayons and your imagination.


If you miss the live event, it will be available for 24 hours afterward on Instagram Stories. Here is where you can find the FREE Instagram Live project.

1) Go to my profile andrawebercreative on Instagram and then click on my image in the upper left.


2) Next, a window should pop up like this. Click on “Live” in the lower right. Voíla! A FREE class to get your creative juices flowing.


I promise it’s fun, it might give adults a few moments to unload the dishwasher, make a phone call or just take a moment to take a deep breath. It’s also a great way for anyone to just let go, adults included!

Look at this “Sunshine In A Jar” done during an Instagram Live event!

Sunshine In a Jar by Wyatt Pazdan

Sunshine In a Jar by Wyatt Pazdan

Will, I see you tomorrow at 10 am on Instagram Live friends? I hope so!

Sending lots of love and light. //

A New Year Calls For This One Excellent Update.

This post contains affiliate links.

// Hello, Friends -

We are now deep into mid-January. Who is currently working toward their New Year's resolutions? Did you power lift into the new year with a lofty set of goals and take over changes in your life like a pirate in an icy snowstorm on the way to a mountain topped with gold?

Nope, me either.

I find making life updates is well, hard.

It’s easier to hurry up vs slow down.

It’s easier to stay put vs move on.

It’s easier to be comfortable in what is known vs. what could be learned.

Sometimes our deepest challenge is making the change we need to in order to expand. It’s within the expansion that we have time to think about what we want. However, change requires slowing down to see the beautiful things the world has to offer and figuring out resources and partners to get us to our goals.

One partner that has helped me on my journey is Skillshare. {affiliate link} It’s a learning platform that does an excellent job of providing a wide range of classes to support positive change. Skillshare has created a fuss-free environment for making life updates and they offer a wide range of classes from design, money management to lifestyle. Here some of my personal favorites:

Design & Illustration

If you are an illustrator or designer check out top teacher Tom Froese. {affiliate link} He has many well-defined illustration classes that will provide a breath of great insight and learnings. One of my favorites:

“ODD BODIES: Illustrating Expressive, Stylized People” 

Writing & Social Media

If you want to write better content at work, or on your social media posts, check out Matt Bellassai’s: {affiliate link}

“Going Viral: Write, Film & Make Content People Share”

He’s cheeky and entertaining with great stories to help the learning process.

Lifestyle & Home

If you need a style update, Emily Henderson’s {affiliate link}

“Style Your Space: Creative Tips and Techniques for Interior Design” 

is a lovely resource to help understand design and how it can play within your space.


You want to get more creative and don’t know where to start? Check out my Skillshare class:

“Create Everyday: How To Unlock Your Creative Magic Now”

{affiliate link}

Let’s take a leap, learn something new and create an excellent update for ourselves in 2020!

Until soon dear friends //

Create Everyday: Unlock Your Creative Magic Now!

This post contains affiliate links.

// hello, friends -

I have been thinking a lot about us lately.

How many of us tell ourselves this story?:

"I am not creative."

How many of us are feeling deeply frustrated in our work because we have hit a roadblock and said?:

“I don’t know what to do next.”

Who has a secret, meaningful project tucked inside a desk drawer waiting to be born but has said?:

“I’m not good enough.”

Well, I have some secret sauce, fairy dust, and a magic wand that will help YOU unlock YOUR creative magic!

It’s a creative Skillshare class {affiliate link} developed just for YOU and it’s called “Create Everyday: How To Unlock Your Creative Magic Now.” {affiliate link} Stuffed with quirky, short, 3-min daily projects that will:

* Give specific tips and tools to unlock your creative potential no matter your background or profession.

* Get your creative juices flowing by providing short, realistic exercises to help you develop a creative habit.

* Provide a new way of thinking that will potentially ignite meaningful, creative "Ah Ha!" moments that will offer different ways of thinking about a project, business or life!

Did I mention it’s SUPER DUPER fun?

So, Iet’s dust off our mystical crystal ball and ask it a BIG important question…

And sign up to do some learning on Skillshare, and Create Everyday To Unlock Our Creative Magic Now! {affiliate link}

Just click the button below to sign up for Skillshare classes. The first 2 months are FREE for new members.

Drop me an e-mail and let me know how the learning is going.

Until tomorrow magical creative scholars! //