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Posts tagged life hack
Day 244 - Life Hack.

Morning! Things are getting crazy over here. Sometimes it's difficult to keep up with the demands of life. Sometimes we need to turn to others to figure out little tricks or life hacks to get through the day. Here are a few that might make life easier and better.

1) When nervous, I say to myself "I'm so excited!" While this might seem a bit cuckoo in the coconut, studies show that we can change our anxiety and the outcome of an activity in a positive way by changing the word nervous to excited. There is more here in the Atlantic about turning anxiety into excitement: "Can 3 Words Change Anxiety Into Success?"

2) Store natural nut butter (peanut, almond, sunflower ect..) upside down. The oil will then combine with the butter. No mixing needed. It's magic.

3) Reheat leftover pizza in a frying pan. Add a little oil and turn the stove on low. Reheat the pizza in the pan. The crust will be crispy not soggy.

Today's project is to create a life hack of your own. Now share it with a friend. Here is my life hack for you. Always, put a pinch of salt in homemade frosting. It brings out the sweetness of the sugar and makes one hell of a cupcake.

Well, I gotta run. Drop me a note or leave a comment and let me know your life hacks. Until tomorrow hackers!