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Posts tagged math
Day 236 - Math Problem.

Oh hey there kids. As everyone heads back to school, thoughts about my checkered school past have left me wondering if I could have been a better student. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't cutting class or throwing spit wads at the teacher but that would have been fun! However, just like any bored, hormonal teenager, my time in school was less than spectacular. On paper I was a pretty good student. I did well in most subjects however there was one class that even today gives me hives, Algebra. Specifically two step equation word problems. Even today the thought of them causes panic and a bout of hyperventilation. I still remember my first failed exam in Junior year Algebra class, even today it makes me feel inadequate. It can feel like such failure when we can't understand something that is so clear to everyone else. It can make us feel unsuccessful. 

However, with age I'm realizing these are the moments when we can grow the most. I may have failed a few Junior year Algebra exams, but looking back there was opportunity in the failure. I could have focused less on the outcome of the grade and more on the learning the art of Algebra.

Today's project is to create a problem for yourself. Pick something that frustrates you and do it. Maybe it's cooking, biking or painting. Do something uncomfortable. Create a better solution for yourself by focusing less on the outcome and more on the learning process. How does it change your perception of success?



I'm going to keep working these hair tangling word problems until something clicks in the old grey matter. Let me know how your learning goes and see you tomorrow students of the world!

AugustAndra Webermath, yet