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Posts tagged politics
Day 192 - Create Peace.

Hello All. It's Saturday and looking back, yesterday was a great day here. I went to a lovely company picnic, full of great people and beautiful moments. With everything going on this week, this feels like a selfish statement. In short, I can get caught up in all things me. When I pick up my head, it saddens me to realize there is a world that is overwhelmed with anger, disrespect and rage. It can seem like a world full of people trying to hurt others. I tell myself this can't be the world I live in but it is.

In my head, all people are equal. In my head, no one hurts anyone to make a statement. In my head, people are good to each other in every space. In my head, people think more of others than themselves. Everyday the whole world works toward peace. 

But this isn't the case is it? What I have realized is I need to work toward peace everyday. I need to put out in the world what I want to see in the world. I need to create peace around me in hopes that peace will translate to something bigger than me.

Peace Medallion. 

Peace Medallion. 

Today, create peace. When you are driving, and someone cuts you off, let the anger go. When a person says something irritating, realize they are human. When you find yourself thinking of yourself, think of others. The only way we are going to get through all this mess is to practice empathy and create peace within every moment of our day. 

Thinking of you until tomorrow!

Day 163 - The 49%.

Day 163 - Hi there. It's Saturday and the last thing on your mind this morning is most likely the upcoming U.S. presidential election. However, California just held Tuesday's primary and I heard a statistic that I want to share with you. Only 49% of California's registered voters voted in Tuesday's primary or 8.9 million people. What happened to the other 51%? 

For a state that fights government for the right to grow kale on their front lawns, develops laws banning plastic bags and creates limitations for driverless cars, 49% seems absurd. Today's project is to create a movement and get everyone you know and that can vote, to vote in the November election. If you know someone who isn't registered, ask them to get registered. Spark the fire that moves people to create political change. 

I'm going to get back to researching "League of Women Voters" and think about strategies to ensure friends and family go to the polls this November. In short, let's get out the vote and change 49% to100%. See you tomorrow great citizens.

Day 160 - House Of Cards.

Day 160 - Greetings! Yesterday, California held the Primary for the 2016 Presidential election. I hope if you live in the state of California you got out there and voted! It's not only important to democracy but voting is sexy. Well, maybe I over sold that last part but there is something about the process of making action toward belief that is pretty sexy. However, believing in something that can ignite change can sometimes feel like a house of cards. When I was standing in line yesterday, waiting to vote, I thought about all the people who wouldn't vote. Not couldn't vote, who wouldn't vote. What if we ALL decided to simply not vote? What would that look like? It occurred to me for the amount of complaining we do about politicians and politics, we are in control of the cards. Our political system counts on us to make sure we set up the cards and they don't fall over. 

In the spirt democracy, today's project is to create a house of cards. You will need an old deck of playing cards. The finish on the cards should be slightly rough not smooth. You can find a "How To Build A House Of Cards Tutorial" on wikiHow. Each time your cards fall over think about our political system and how it depends on each of us to keep it strong. I spent about 45 minutes trying to get the cards to stack. It was torture but it made me think that I need to take steps now to create myself into a better citizen.

Well, I am going to get back to watching "House Of Cards" on Netflix. Let me know how your houses turn out and see you later Frank and Claire Underwood!

Day 78 - Hatching Politics.

Day 78 - Hello! It's Friday. As we enter the weekend, I scoped out news stories looking high and low for project ideas. Did anyone see the story about Leonardo DiCaprio kissing a bear before accepting his Oscar? That was a moving photo. Everything else in the news is about the upcoming U.S. election including the state of Donald Trump's hair. It occurred to me that I don't know much about each candidate and what they bring to the table. Yes, I have been living a hole. Yes, just like Brie Larson in "Room." Wait. No, sorry. I just read the description of "Room."  She and her son lived in a room for 5 years?! I need to watch this movie. Now I am rambling. Let's talk about the today's project.

Take at least 10 minutes to research and start a dialogue with yourself or a friend about a candidate in the U.S. election. Hatch your political views. Remember to keep the conversation semi-civil even with yourself. Here are a list of questions to start the conversation:

  • Who will you vote for in the November general election? Why?
  • How is this candidate qualified to run the free world?
  • Does this candidate represent the U.S. in a positive manner?
  • Will this candidate change the nation in 4 years? The world? If so, in what way?
  • Most importantly, if this candidate is elected, what band would play at the inauguration? 

What did you think about hatching politics? Are you still talking to your friend after the discussion? How about yourself? I'm going to go watch "Room" and go style my hair like a serious candidate. Chat with you tomorrow!



MarchAndra Weberpolitics