Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Posts tagged video
Day 135 - Hello Video!

Hey everybody. How was the week? It's Saturday and to switch things up here on the blog, I'm trying video as a a new way to show creating. Video is an interesting medium and a very powerful form of communication. The tools to create rough videos have become more simple and easy to use. There are so many easy tools available, anyone can make an cool little movie.

Today's project is to make a short video of something fun. Maybe it's when the pancakes get flipped this morning? A video selfie on a morning run? Or the sun going down over the ocean. Post it to Vimeo or YouTube and share it with your inner circle. Create a new medium to express yourself today.

Well, I need to get back to eating some pancakes and making more short films. Let me know what kind of feedback you get on your videos and see you tomorrow!

MayAndra Webervideo, yet
Day 132 - Speak Easy.

Day 132 - Hey there. This post is going to be super short because today the altMBA assignment is to create a video and describe the change that I am hoping to make in the world. First, who loves to talk in front of people? Glup. Second, a video?! Oh gosh. Third, I need to discuss something I am passionate about. Holy moly. This is the hardest assignment ever. Fourth, it's taking me forever to do this video!

As I did take after take, I realized I have lots of nervous ticks. It was eye opening to create a video but also unnerving and enlightening. It's a good thing I am not a news anchor. Clearly that was not my calling.

Notice The Background. I Did Takes For 5 hours!

Notice The Background. I Did Takes For 5 hours!

Todays, project is to create a short video of yourself communicating something you are passionate about or something you want to change. Watch it and then send it to a friend. Now talk about it!

Let me know how the video goes. I need to get back to making awkward pauses, sweaty palms and fluttering my eyes. See you tomorrow unless I croak from this stress!

MayAndra Webervideo