Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Posts tagged Christmas
Here Are 3 Creative Gifts That Will Make Anyone Joyful And Happy.

Hi, Creative Friends-

The Holidays are in full swing and if you are a bit like me can be hard to find a meaningful gift for everyone on the holiday list! Speaking of gifts, don’t forget to “Sign Up For the Create & Change Newsletter Here.” I will be doing a giveaway in December and everyone on the newsletter list will be entered to win a beautiful one-of-a-kind watercolor!

Now, let’s chat about…

3 Creative Gift Ideas That Will Make Anyone Joyful And Happy…

  1. Log On And Gift Away: Molly Wlik’s virtual pastry classes can help anyone learn the basics of French pastry! She teaches her classes from her apartment in Versailles, France, and the classes couldn’t be any sweeter! You can grab a gift certificate from her website or buy her amazing “French Pastry Made Easy” cookbook! I’m personally looking forward to the Bûche de Nöel cake class coming up in December. The gift of learning could never be so joyful or delicious!

  2. Creative Curious: Do you have someone on your holiday list that wants to make and create but doesn’t know where to start? Try gifting a subscription to Skillshare, the online learning platform for all levels of creative curiosity. Skillshare provides short lessons on everything from watercolor to storytelling!

  3. Wrap Up A Puzzle: Make brains happy this season by gifting a super cool jigsaw puzzle from Society 6 like this adorable “Season’s Eatings” or “Owl’s Holiday” artwork. Each supports an artist and can make anyone have a Happy Holiday!

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or what creative gift you will be giving this year.

Also, thanks for reading along. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!



Day 315 - Why You Should Create Like A Kid This Holiday.

This post contains affiliate links.

Season's Greetings to all teachers, parents, educators, penguin lovers and everyone who is a kid at heart! An amazing new book launches today called STEAM Kids Christmas and it is bursting at the binding with great ways to learn and create fun throughout the holiday season. For everyone out there who is saying "What is STEAM?", it's an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. If there are questions why STEAM is important, check out this post from last week: "How To Use Candy To Expand Your Grey Matter." In short, STEAM is about giving kids tools to create and experience learning like a kid.

If You Live in the European Union, Click Here to Get Your Copy Today

Let's get back to the book. It's pages contain 25 days of STEAM projects that will generate holiday fun for kids and adults. Ever have those boring holiday downtimes? This book contains so many interesting learning projects, there won't be time to be hear the dreaded "I'm bored!" In addition to 25 days of projects, there are STEAM challenge cards, project shopping lists, and cool coloring pages. There is even a super fun Penguin Pop Advent Activity which was created by yours truly! Check out how these penguins can turn a boring moment into an ultimate snowball fight in seconds. 

The book was written by a group of amazing bloggers who together are on a mission to get kids to learn through the STEAM experience.

This book is the ultimate way to create, learn, and celebrate through the holiday season. Plus for the first week only, buy the STEAM Kids Christmas eBook or printed book, and you'll get the STEAM Kids Coloring eBook too. This coloring book offers some fantastic activities that offer adults time to bond with all the children in your life.

Are you an Aunt? The kids are going to remember when you Tinkered With Trees together. Are you an Uncle? You are going be the best, most favorite Uncle when you show up with everything needed for the Disappearing Candy Canes project and the STEAM Kids Christmas coloring book. Is it too hard to shop for cousins? Your Aunt will thank you when her kids open these books and she sees her kids create cool STEAM projects while she catches a few moments of peace. Are you a Mom and need a few minutes of free time to make sure the turkey is ready for the big feast? Have the whole family make a 25 days of penguins and an advent calendar is ready to go!

Today's project is go create something from this book. There is both a hard copy and an eBook available. Give the gift that keeps on giving and watch minds grow. Click below and buy STEAM Kids Christmas and discover why creating like a kid is so much fun!