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Posts tagged kindness
Here Is How To Find Kindness In The New Year.
Image By FTD

Image By FTD

// Happy New Year Friends -

Who is working on their New Year’s resolutions?

Making promises to ourselves can feel like we are starting off the year in an Instapot, too much pressure! What happens when we forget to release the pressure valve on our steaming pot of change? We end up scraping disappointment off the walls for weeks!

This year, let’s make things simple. Let’s make a shortlist of items that “need definition.” Here are three areas I want to define in 2020:

1) Bake Great Bread.

2) Don’t Hurry.

3) Be Kind.

Today, I’m tackling “Be Kind,” and I found a great resource to help me rise to my goal. When I am stumped on how to jump into a problem, I look to the internet and I found a great resource from all places FTD.

FTD has created 3 “New Year, New Me” kindness calendars that are versatile for every month of the year.

Image By FTD

Image By FTD

Here are their thoughts on New Year Definitions…

The New Year brings a breath of fresh air, new opportunities, and a chance to examine your environment to see if what surrounds you is positive or negative. Whether you see an opportunity to help a friend or contribute to an organization you love, a little scheduling can make a big difference in remembering to pay it forward. Whatever your goals are for the New Year, there are always opportunities to lift others on your way to personal success. By spreading kindness you are more likely to inspire others as well as receive a little love in return. 

Each calendar offers different objectives geared at spreading kindness in your free time, at the office, and within your community. These simple reminders will inspire you to be kinder wherever life takes you!

They’ve also provided kindness challenges for you to try!

Try these 5 challenges to bring more prosperity into your life one kind act at a time.

Image By FTD

Image By FTD

Give Back to Family and Friends 

Did you know that showing kindness attracts positivity into your life? Keep track of loving those closest to you with a daily reminder from the printable calendar below.

Image By FTD

Image By FTD

Pick Up a New Skill 

Learning is a great way to stay sharp and add some fun to your life! Challenge a friend to pick up a new skill or hobby with you to enhance your creativity and create a memory together. 

Show Gratitude to Colleagues and Inspiring People 

Work can be a large part of your life and you never know how showing random acts of kindness can positively impact someone’s day. Let your resolution inspire others to pay it forward as well! 

Image By FTD

Image By FTD

Invest in Yourself

Putting yourself first can be one of the most beneficial resolutions you can make. Show yourself some love by expanding your skills or knowledge, caring for your body and fitness goals, or simply cultivating your mental and emotional health. 

Pay It Forward to Your Community 

Give up some of your time and give back to your community. If you love an organization, spend some extra free time signing up for volunteer opportunities or taking on leadership positions. 

Image By FTD

Image By FTD

Enter the New Year spreading kindness and thinking of others - whether it be towards your family, community or colleagues! Use a “New Year, New Me” mindset to spread compassion and kindness to everyone including yourself!

© 2020 Andra Weber Creative LLC

© 2020 Andra Weber Creative LLC

I hope you find some kindness and definition in the new year, friends! Until soon, Happy New Year! //

JanuaryAndra Weberkindness
Day 333 - How You Can Make The Most Beautiful Advent Calendar In The World.

This Post Contains An Affiliate Link.

Hey! Today our bellies are probably still full from the beautiful, bountiful Thanksgiving dinners we all enjoyed. We may have ventured out over the weekend or hopped online to do some holiday shopping. Maybe we all took in a movie or enjoyed hanging out with family and friends. If you are like me, I forget these are truly unique moments that may not be available to us in the future. We tend to forget at the moment, or at least I do, that not everyone is having an extra special holiday. People get sick. People go to bed hungry. People have rough patches. Sometimes they need kindness to get through this complicated life.

At this time of year, it's a tradition in some families to celebrate the season with an advent calendar. Advent calendars usually count down the days until Christmas. However, I'd like to offer up something slightly different, a Kindness Calendar. Let's call it the most beautiful advent calendar in the world because what is more beautiful than being kind? Below you will find a FREE printable for 25 days of counting down the season with kindness. The idea is that kindness can unite all humans no matter what religion or creed by its ability to provide us with empathy and compassion.

Here is the FREE printable. With it, today, create a countdown to kindness calendar.

You will need:

Step 1: Print all sheets of the printable. Cut out all stars. Make a small notch where the line appears on the top and bottom points. 

Step 2: Fold the two right points of the star. Then fold the two left points. Fold the bottom point and then the top. Secure the top and bottom points with the notch.

Step 3: Cut the string/twine at different lengths. tape to the back of the stars. Double check the twine is attached to the top of the star. Or fill a large jar with the stars. There is no need for the string or twine if using the jar.

Step 4: Attach the stars to the branch. Add twinkle lights to the branch or the large jar.

Open one star each day starting tomorrow and create 25 days of kindness.

Let me know how the spreading empathy goes and until tomorrow great humans.




Day 309 - Why It's Important to Grow A Mustache.

Hello Gentleman and Ladies. It's November and that means it's Movember. What is Movember? It's is a movement in men's health. The dads, brothers, partners, sons, uncles and friends are strong forces in life but they tend to remain silent when a health crisis occurs. The Movemeber movement is bringing awareness to some of the greatest health challenges men face: prostate, testicular, mental health and suicide prevention. The foundation was started by two guys who love mustaches. They have also made it their mission to bring awareness to men's heath issues. Although, it's a year around movement, each November they ask everyone to "Grow A Mo, Save A Bro."

Today's project is to create support for men's heath by growing a mustache or get involved with the Movember movement. You can find ways to support the movement here. It's important for men to know they are not alone. Let's show them we are here to support them handlebar mustache and all.

Until tomorrow bros!

NovemberAndra Weberkindness, yet
Day 217 - Random Kindness.

Oh, hello there neighbor. Thanks for dropping by. It occurred to me last night, after one of my neighbors was locked out of their home, that I don't know my neighbors very well. I say "hello." They say "hello" and that's where it ends. It's a shame. I makes me think, there is a certain generosity and kindness with knowing neighbors and it has been lost.

Today, let's create acts of kindness. Here is a list of 10 ideas to help our neighbors and share our generosity with the world today. Consider doing all 10 today or picking a few. Perhaps none of these are feasible for you. Go ahead do your own act of kindness. Whatever you choose make it generous and full of meaning.

Drop me a message and let me know how it felt to do a random act of kindness. I'm going to get back to baking muffins and meeting neighbors. Until tomorrow folks!



Day 131 - Bare Feet.

Day 131 - Hey there! Who wants to have a barefoot moment today? TOMS shoes is shouting out a campaign today called One Day #withoutshoes. Today, May 10, Instagram your feet #withoutshoes or your TOMS and help give 100,000 new pairs of shoes to children in 10 countries.* Learn more here at TOMS. Who doesn't want to spend a little time with their tootsies in the sand or grass today for a good cause? Today's project is to liberate your little piggies, snap a photo, share on Instagram and create kindness today.

Let me know how the glamor shots turn out and see you tomorrow everyone!

*Up to 100,000 pairs of shoes, limit one photo per person via Instagram. Profile must be public.