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Posts tagged nature
Summertime Is Calling! Get Out And Enjoy Nature It With These 3 Creative Ideas.

Hi, Creative Friends,

Summer is a great time to get outside and see the world around us. It can feel like summer is calling us to see more, do more, and be more in nature. That’s why…

This week, here is how to get out and enjoy summer with these 3 creative ideas…

  1. Read About Hot Dog: Unexpected stories are all around us and if you are a bit like me, thinking about the story of how nature is healing is inspiring. This is where the 2023 Caldecott-winning story “Hot Dog” by Doug Salati makes its mark and is an excellent reminder that a day at the beach can make our lives better.

  2. Adventure Journal: Here is a sweet DIY project to help us get out and enjoy summer: The Adventure Journal from REI. Download and print your FREE Journal REI adventure journal here and go answer summer’s callings and explore the great outdoors.

  3. Paint & Send A Greeting: When was the last time we paused to take in nature? The colors, the scent, and the sounds nature creates are incredible! Sit quietly in a garden or park and then paint or draw something inspiring. Try creating a special greeting card for a friend on a postcard. Send your card out into the world to inspire a friend to get out and enjoy summertime too!

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or how you answering the call of summer.

Also, thanks for reading. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!



Latest Creative Posts

Summertime Is Calling! Get Out And Enjoy It With These 3 Creative Ideas.

Hi, Creative Friends,

Summer is a great time to get outside and see the world around us. It can feel like summer is calling us to see more, do more, and be more in nature. That’s why…

This week, here is how to get out and enjoy summer with these 3 creative ideas…

  1. Go Outside And See The Story In Nature: Trees are all around us and if you are a bit like me, thinking about the story of trees is not something that we think about when we are walking around our neighborhood. This is where the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel “Overstory” by Richard Powers becomes powerful. It’s an excellent read and fascinating in its perspective about humans as they relate to the natural world.

  2. Adventure Journal: Here is a sweet DIY project to help us get out and enjoy summer: The Adventure Journal from REI. Download and print your FREE Journal REI adventure journal here and go answer summer’s callings and explore the great outdoors.

  3. Paint & Send A Greeting: When was the last time we paused to take in nature? The colors, the scent, and the sounds nature creates are incredible! Sit quietly in a garden or park and then paint or draw something inspiring. Try creating a special greeting card for a friend on a postcard. Send your card out into the world to inspire a friend to get out and enjoy summertime too!

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or how you answering the call of summer.

Also, thanks for reading. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!



Day 319 - Why It's Important To Get Away from Everyday Pressure.

Hey! Today is the day I get away from myself. Lately, I find myself in my head. It feels like all I do is think, and then think more about thinking. It can sometimes feel like a pressure cooker, infusing thought into the old gray matter, at such an intensity, my brain could explode. When I reach that moment, I pack up and head into nature.

Sadly, it's been a very long while since I have stepped away from thinking. It's important to know that we don't have to go far to reset and gain a wide perspective. We do need to step outside and take in the vastness and wonder nature provides for us. Who else has noticed that being outside can make us realize we are such a tiny part of the puzzle? The ocean is a great example of this. It especially can make us feel small, quiet and insignificant. I once read a quote that said: "tell yourself nothing really matters." However, I don't believe it that quote for a hot damn second. As soon as I set foot in front of the ocean, a big redwood, or a drifting landscape, it becomes apparent, everything matters, especially turning off our brains, listening to the deep voice inside ourselves that tells us to be kind. 

Today, provide yourself a nature break. Step outside and take a long walk, go for a hike, climb a rock, look at the falling leaves, sit by a river and take a big deep breath. Take it all in. Try not to think and create the space that is needed to keep going.

Until tomorrow budding John Muir.

NovemberAndra Webernature, yet
Day 235 - Morning Sunrise.

Well, good morning sunshine. It's a great day to get up early! Honestly, this seems like a foreign and ridiculous statement. I'm not a earlier riser.  The only time I have been up early enough to see the sunrise was when head to the airport. Today, for some reason, it seems like a great day to haul out of bed and watch that huge, beautiful orange ball of fire rise in the east.

Today's project is simple. Create wonder by getting up with the sun. Grab your notebook and write down what it is like to see the sun rise. The feelings, emotions and sounds that occur with rising with beginning of the day. 

Blurry Early Morning Sunrise Makes Me Tired.

Blurry Early Morning Sunrise Makes Me Tired.

I'm going to slink back to bed now and try to capture a few more minutes of sleep. Maybe I will sleep until sunset. Have a good one and see you later roosters! 

AugustAndra Webernature, yet
Day 234 - Nature Walk.

Morning! Saturday is here and it's a great day to get outside. I'm going to keep today's project simple. Go outside today and create photos of nature. Chanel your inner Ansel Adams and find a spectacular landscape that takes your breath away. Click away and then post one of your favorites on social media or share with a friend. 

That's it for today. See you tomorrow shutter bugs.

AugustAndra Webernature, yet