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Posts tagged newyear
Make Creating Cozy Right Now With These 3 Ideas.

Hello, Creative Friends!

February is here! It’s the month of flaming red hearts, boxes of sugary sweet chocolate, and the best time of year to get cozy and do something creative.

Here Are 3 Good Ideas Get Cozy & Creative.

  1. Knit Knots: Start something warm and cozy with a project from this site.

  2. Mitten Kittens: Cozy can start with watching something random and cute.

  3. Soup For You: Warm your belly with this citrus goodness this winter.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or how you get cozy with creating.

Also, thanks for reading. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying my artwork at INPRNT.

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Keep going, creative friends!




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Unlock Wonder In The Everyday With 3 Good, Creative Ideas.

Hello, Creative Friends!

January can be a mundane month. It’s hard to feel inspired during the darker, shorter days of the season. However, winter can be wonderful and give us the time to step back and help create space to find wonder.

Here Are 3 Good Ideas To Unlock Creative Wonder.

  1. Watch Them Grow: Few of these beautiful creatures are left. It’s inspiring to see them together.

  2. Fast & Furious: Humans make amazing things. Imagine how much fun it would be to take this out for a spin in the snow.

  3. For Heaven’s Sake: It’s out there. The universe. Thanks to technology we can see and be inspired by it.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or what inspires you.

Also, thanks for reading. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT.

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Keep going, creative friends!




Latest Creative Posts

Make Creating Less Lonely With These 3 Powerful Ideas.

Hello, Creative Friends!

Creating can be a solo endeavor. Studies show the brain needs to be focused and alone to make deep connections and create new ideas. However, as humans we need a tribe to thrive. Therefore…

Here Are 3 Powerful Ideas To Make Creating Less Lonely.

  1. Accept Solitude: It can feel like society rewards and cherishes extroverts but creative introverts have an advantage.

  2. Join In: This is a simple but powerful creative idea. Connect with a group and make new art.

  3. Nature Watch: Buy a birdfeeder, pet the neighborhood dog, or view a funny video like this one to feel a little less alone.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or ideas to connect with other creatives.

Also, thanks for reading. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!




Latest Creative Posts

3 Books To Help Make 2024 The Biggest Creative Year Yet.

Hello, Creative Friends!

It can be hard to start any journey. Let me assure you a creative voyage is no exception. We might get caught up in researching the best tools or constructing the best time to start. I find as a creative, what I need is to read. Read about someone else who climbed the mountain of self-doubt, crossed the passage of you- are-not-good-enough and created.

Here Are 3 Books To Make 2024 The Biggest Creative Year Yet.

  1. Creative Limits: Restricting ideas might be a way to get us on the path.

  2. Guide The Way: If we are an artist like Thomas Deininger there is no road map but this guide can help a creative expedition.

  3. Pint-Sized Learning: Dive into this and watch how creativity is contagious.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or what creative books you are reading this year.

Also, thanks for reading. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!




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Make 2024 Creative And Joyful With These 3 Simple Ideas.

Hello, Creative Friends!

Happy New Year! The start of a new year presents opportunities to tap into or further our creative energy. If you are a bit like me and you are looking for fresh ways to create this year, here are 3 ideas to make this year our most creative and best yet.

Make 2024 Creative And Joyful With These Simple Ideas.

  1. Perfectly Purpose: Use this mantra to start the year with intention.

  2. Add A Dash Of Greens: Super fresh, and gingery delicious this might be a simple way to start dinner off right in 2024.

  3. 100 Days: A joyful way to create a habit and practice intuitive art.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or how you will tap into your creative energy this year.

Also, thanks for reading. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!




Latest Creative Posts

Bring On Joy With Carrots This New Year With 3 Simple Creative Ideas.

Hello, Creative Friends!

The middle of January can feel like a parade of grey, unnoteworthy days. The holidays are over, winter is in full swing and we are most likely finding ourselves wishing for a touch of springtime. However, it’s a great time of year to find joy in doing something creative, like using something as mundane as a carrot to bring joy to life! Here here are 3 simple creative ideas to…

Bring On Joy With Carrots This New Year With 3 Simple Creative Ideas.

  1. Carrot Up Colors: Go to the local market and buy a bunch of carrots that still have their frilly tops. Take a moment to notice the colors of the carrots. Are their hats kelly green or evergreen? Is the orange a burnt sunset or a bright sunrise? Are the carrots a rusty purple or the color of cream? Snap a photo and think about those carrots and how much joy color brings to our lives and read about “Why Carrots Are Different Colors And Fun Facts” on Delishably.

  2. Virtue In Veggies: Do something for the joy of it. For example, try a new recipe like this one from the New York Times, “Roasted Carrot Salad” by Melissa Clark. Add to the joy by having a friend over to munch on lunch together.

  3. Wake With Wabi-Sabi: Create peace in imperfection by following the philosophy Wasbi-Sabi. Learn about “5 Teachings From The Japanese Wabi-Sabi Philosophy “by Omar Itani and create joy in the beauty of life even when it seems to be broken or irregular. Like the shape of a carrot no two are alike, they are all a bit wonky, yet each carrot holds so much sweet joy in just one bite.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on and how you will use something mundane to create joy in your life in this new year!

Also, thanks for reading along. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!



Make Hibernating This Winter Joyful With These 3 Creative Ideas.

Hello, Creative Friends!

We are thirteen days into January and settling into the new year. Last week we talked about the new year being a time to get planning and evaluate goals. However, if you are a bit like me, this week I find myself wanting to do nothing more than slip into a fuzzy pair of slipper socks, flip on Netflix and settle in to hibernate the winter away. Maybe it’s the endless days of rain here in California or the fact the year seems overwhelming either way here are …

3 creative ideas to Make Hibernating This Winter Joyful

  1. Fabulous Fika: Getting coffee has become a morning ritual for many of us but it can be a solitary and quick endeavor. We can find ourselves in an endless cycle of brewing coffee (or tea), drinking a cup, and doing work. However, what if we tried Fika, the Swedish tradition of taking a break to sip up the quality of life? Read more about the art of the Swedish coffee break here on “The Kitchen: What is Fika?” It seems like a great way to stay cozy and make winter joyful.

  2. Hug The Hygge: Hygge is the danish word for getting cozy. What would be a better way to feel nurtured than cooking up something warm and delicious in the kitchen? Try one of these thirteen nurturing recipes from Elle Decor to get a hug from Hygge time. The Morning Porridge recipe looks like a breakfast to snuggle into the day.

  3. Arrange The Day: Bringing the outside in can be a wonderful way to create joy as we settle into the winter. Grab a nice bunch of market flowers and be inspired to create a winter flower arrangement like Better Homes and Gardens “6 Winter Flower Arrangments You Can Make With Store-Bought Blooms.” Creating one of these beautiful arrangements might be just what we need to make any room a welcoming place to settle down and find joy this winter.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on and how you will make your hibernation mode more creative.

Also, thanks for reading along. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!



3 Creative Ideas To Make Wonderful Progress On Your New Year's Goals.

Hi, Creative Friends-

Happy New Year! The start of any new year brings the opportunity to evaluate goals and tap into new ideas. If you are a bit like me, getting started on planning a tiny or huge project can be overwhelming. I gave myself two weeks to define my 2023-year goals. Do you know what accomplished in two weeks? I baked a cake, played games with my kids, went for very long walks, and downright avoided planning anything for 2023. With a herculean effort, I did finally focus on the planning for 2023 but it took life hacks and fresh creative thinking. No matter the goal or procrastination level, here are 3 creative ideas to…

Make Wonderful Progress On Your New Year’s Goals.

  1. Make The Goals S.M.A.R.T: When thinking about goals, it can be easy to get lost. A great way to make progress on a goal is to make it S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, And Time-bound.) More can be read about S.M.A.R.T. goals and why they matter on the Asana Blog.

  2. Sketch The Situation: Not everyone is good with words. Sitting down with a pen and a journal to write down big ideas can turn productive time into a pause. If words overwhelm you, try sketching out what the goals might look like and read this article from Time magazine from the designer Ayse Birsel, “How To Sketch A Life Plan.”

  3. Kale. Exhale. Repeat: Even if you hate eating anything green, just adding a few salads a week can help prioritize any health goals. Kale: some people hate it and some people love it. For what it’s worth, I’m on the fence about kale but this favorite salad from Marathon runner’s Shalane Flanagan “Run Fast Eat Slow” blog looks delicious. I have the “Run Fast Eat Slow” cookbook and it’s full of great recipes to pump up the energy and help us make progress on any 2023 health goals!

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on and share your new year’s resolutions.

Also, thanks for reading along. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!

