Design & Creative Development

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Posts tagged mentalhealth
Make Hibernating This Winter Joyful With These 3 Creative Ideas.

Hello, Creative Friends!

We are thirteen days into January and settling into the new year. Last week we talked about the new year being a time to get planning and evaluate goals. However, if you are a bit like me, this week I find myself wanting to do nothing more than slip into a fuzzy pair of slipper socks, flip on Netflix and settle in to hibernate the winter away. Maybe it’s the endless days of rain here in California or the fact the year seems overwhelming either way here are …

3 creative ideas to Make Hibernating This Winter Joyful

  1. Fabulous Fika: Getting coffee has become a morning ritual for many of us but it can be a solitary and quick endeavor. We can find ourselves in an endless cycle of brewing coffee (or tea), drinking a cup, and doing work. However, what if we tried Fika, the Swedish tradition of taking a break to sip up the quality of life? Read more about the art of the Swedish coffee break here on “The Kitchen: What is Fika?” It seems like a great way to stay cozy and make winter joyful.

  2. Hug The Hygge: Hygge is the danish word for getting cozy. What would be a better way to feel nurtured than cooking up something warm and delicious in the kitchen? Try one of these thirteen nurturing recipes from Elle Decor to get a hug from Hygge time. The Morning Porridge recipe looks like a breakfast to snuggle into the day.

  3. Arrange The Day: Bringing the outside in can be a wonderful way to create joy as we settle into the winter. Grab a nice bunch of market flowers and be inspired to create a winter flower arrangement like Better Homes and Gardens “6 Winter Flower Arrangments You Can Make With Store-Bought Blooms.” Creating one of these beautiful arrangements might be just what we need to make any room a welcoming place to settle down and find joy this winter.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on and how you will make your hibernation mode more creative.

Also, thanks for reading along. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!



Feel Wonderful After A Big Holiday Meal With These 3 Brilliant Creative Ideas.

Hi, Creative Friends-

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! If you indulged in pie, took a second helping of buttery mashed potatoes, and then nestled in for a long nap after the big meal here are ideas to feel a bit better after a day full of delight…

Feel Wonderful After A Big Holiday Meal With These 3 Brilliant Creative Ideas.

  1. Sip Soother: Try sipping this festive digestive drink Lemon Ginger Tea the morning after Thanksgiving to calm the stomach and soothe the soul. It’s an easy way to help our bodies gently absorb a big meal and feel wonderful.

  2. Fantastic Friendsgiving: Make a plan to connect with a friend the day after Thanksgiving to catch up and check-in. Meeting up can be as simple as having a virtual cup of tea or taking a walk. Reconnecting with others is a simple way to tap into our emotional health and give thanks to the people who make our lives better.

  3. Find a Forest: Do you know that just taking a walk in the woods or a local park reduces stress by up to twenty percent? Walking also helps with digestion. After a holiday meal, slip in a pair of headphones, and listen to a walking meditation. Feel joy abound as stress slips away and you start to feel wonderful after the big delicious meal.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or what you will do to feel wonderful after a big holiday meal.

Also, thanks for reading along. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!



Take Care Of Your Mental Health With These 3 Easy Creative Ideas.

Stress Less Desk Illustration

Hi, Creative Friends,

Did you know the month of May is Mental Health Awareness month? If you are a bit like me, mental health can be pushed aside for other life priorities. However, maintaining our mental wellness can lead us to happier more robust selves. So…

This Week Take Care Of Your Mental Health With These 3 Easy Creative Ideas…

  1. Take Some Headspace: Like a toddler who begins to tantrum at an expected moment, sometimes our brain needs a timeout. That’s where the app Headspace comes in handy. Headspace is a meditation app that provides simple meditation practices to help the brain gain space to assess the current state of the self. Headspace makes it an easy way to check in with ourselves.

  2. Take A Walk On The Wild Side: Research says mental health and physical health are intertwined and walking is one of the best ways to incorporate physical activity into daily life. Try this “Guided Walking Meditation To Connect With Your Senses.” It’s an easy way to nourish our relationship with our body & mind.

  3. Kale. Exhale. Repeat. : Momma always said “You Are What You Eat!” and a ton of new research is backing up the claim that our gut healthy, the bacteria we have in our intestines, affects our brain’s health. How do we maintain excellent gut health? Pick one meal a day and add one of the top 10 superfoods such as broccoli, oats, eggs, spinach, cocoa nibs, almonds, and kale. Try this amazing “Kale Slaw Recipe” for any summer cookout. It’s an easy way to keep things tasty, our guts happy, and our minds healthy!

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or your best creative self-care mental health tip.

Also, thanks for reading. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!

