Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Posts in September
Day 257 - You Need To Smell This!

Oh hi! Today, I wish Smell-O-Vision was real. Together we could smell the pot that is simmering on my stove. I'll get to specifics about that pot in minute. For now, let's talk memories. Did you know our strongest memories come from our sense of smell? Read more about the sense of smell and memories here in Psychology Today "Smells That Ring Bells: How Smell Triggers Memories & Emotions." Maybe we remember the smell of our mom baking bread as it wafted through our childhood home. Or the smell of layers of varnish peppering the air in our high school gymnasium. Or the time we turned off the electricity in our college apartment, during summer break, only to return and realize we forgot to clean out the refrigerator. If none of these examples of scent hits home, I bet there is one scent that will conjure up a memory or two for you.

In the meantime, let's get back to discussing the pot that is simmering on my stove. It's a DIY scent concoction that will surely waft in the golden leaves and longer days of fall. Let's throw a few spices in a pot and create a scent tigger that will take us back to a certain time and place. Toss a few pieces of orange rind, 2 tablespoons cloves, 3 cinnamon sticks, 3 bay leaves,1 whole nutmeg and water into a pot. Set the pot with contents on the stove to simmer. After about 20 minutes, the house will fill with an inviting, spicy and generous scent. It might also trigger a life long memory for you. Just don't forget to turn off the stove after you are done sniffing all the goodness.

Funny enough, as the pot sat simmering my husband said the smell took him back to college and then later he said it smelled like his grandma's borscht. Funny how memories are afford us time travel.

Well, drop me a line and let me know how your nose likes the cloves. Until tomorrow folks!

Day 256 - Portrait Of You.

Well hello you. It's the weekend and I am sure everyone has stuff to catch up on and places to go. To keep the creative juices going on this busy Sunday, let's create a quick project to test our skills of observation, the 2 minute portrait. Today, grab a friend, a piece of paper, a timer and a pen. Sit down together, set the timer for 2 minutes and draw your friend. Take the minutes to truly observe the person in front of you and quickly sketch their character. Once the portrait is complete, switch with your friend. Have your friend draw you too.

Isn't interesting what can be learned from the power of observation? See you tomorrow friends!

SeptemberAndra WeberDrawing
Day 255 - Fall For Pumpkin Spice.

This post contains and affiliate link.

Oh hey! Yep, it's officially fall. The leaves are turning to a golden shade. The light in the evening has started to fade earlier and earlier. If one stops and closes their eyes, one can feel the the shift of the summer fade to fall. One can also see the copious amounts of pumpkin spice products pop in everything from candy corn to lattes. Yeesh. When did fall become so commercial?

Well, let's not fight it and celebrate the ubiquitous pumpkin spice fad. Today let's fall right into pumpkin spice and create a Pumpkin Spice treat so super delicious, we will be saying "See ya summer and hello fall!" Introducing the delicious, amazing, heavy like a brick in the stomach Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese Muffins.

Let me just take this opportunity to say, this Pumpkin Spice Muffin recipe is a hands down classic. Nope, I didn't create the recipe. You can find the original recipe at the blog "Crazy For Crust." I did modify the recipe a bit below. Here is a video on these Pumpkin Spice Cheese Muffin little darlings. I have also included the written directions below.


Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins

Makes: 12 standard size muffins


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoons salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour

Cream Cheese Filling:

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a cupcake tin with paper liners.

Step 2: Place the sugar, oil and pumpkin puree into a large bowl and hand mix together until smooth. 

Step 3: Place the ground, ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg in a small bowl. Add the baking soda and salt. Combine.

Step 4: Add the eggs, and spice mixture to the pumpkin mixture. Combine. Add 1 cup of the flour and mix. Add the milk and then add the remaining 1 cup flour. Mix until combined. Using a large spoon or ice cream scoop, fill the cupcake liners 3/4 full.

Step 5: Combine the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla until smooth. Drop 1 tablespoon of the cream cheese mixture on top of each muffin. Garnish with the pumpkin seeds.

Step 6: Bake at 350 degrees for 20-23 minutes or when a toothpick comes out clean. Let cool completely. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days or freeze in a freezer safe container.

Let's just fall right into pumpkin spice. See you tomorrow summer!

SeptemberAndra Weberfall, recipes, yet
Day 254 - Get Twinkled.

Hey! It's Friday and who doesn't need some stars in their eyes today? Isn't it nice to go into the weekend shining bright? Let's get twinkled today. Who wants to create a few or a ton of amazing little paper stars to usher in the weekend with sparkle. Perhaps write a little message on the inside to make someone else's weekend shine bright too? Let's get started with these tiny darlings.

You will need strips of paper cut 8.5" x .5".

Watch this video for folding instructions and inspiration.

Now go create a few or a ton and shine right into the weekend. Don't forget to make a wish and see you tomorrow little star!

SeptemberAndra Weberorigami, yet
Day 253 - Do The Opposite.

Oh hello. This post is going to be a quick one today. As I am only typing with my left hand because today's project is to create a new sense of awareness by doing the opposite. If you are right handed, try using your left only. If you are left handed try only using your right hand only. If you always need to lead a conversation, try to letting someone else have the last word. If you tell yourself you need more, tell yourself you need less. Try the other side today.

As I type this with only my left hand, I am literally sitting on my right hand. All I want to do is type with my right. I feel the wheels in my brain turning and burning. Working the opposite side of my brain is enlightening and aggravating! Here I try drawing with my left hand only:

Hum, these drawings are simple. Providing details in the drawings was very difficult. I don't know how long I can keep this up! In short, only working with my left hand is a total charade It's, however, making me more aware of how my body and mind works. How about you? Drop me a line and let me know how it feels to do the opposite. Until tomorrow lefties & righties.

SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 252 - Open Me.

Hello there. It's me again. Where does the time go? Each day is approximately 24 hours long but some days feel like they are filled to the brim with "Alice In Wonderland" moments. As in, I'm always late for a very important date! When I am rushing all day, it can feel like there isn't time for anything else, especially fun. Today, let's create something that will pass on a different type of "Alice In Wonderland" nonsense, the open me bottle.

You will need the following:

Step 1: Create a wacky note or print one here. Add glitter or confetti to the bottle.

Step 2: Wrap the $1 bills in the note. Stuff the roll in the bottle or vessel. Attach an "open me" note.

Step 3: Now hide the bottle. Imagine the nonsense feeling someone will have when the bottle is found. What kind of crazy story will they create about the open me bottle? Will they hesitate to open the bottle? How will they get the note out? Will they think it's trash or treasure? Will the pass it along or throw it away?

I hid this in the park tonight for me little ones. We had such nonsense fun hiding and looking for this tiny bottle of magic. They were thrilled to see what was inside and somewhat confused. In the end, having this nonsense fun was much better than rushing all day. Until tomorrow Mad Hatters!

SeptemberAndra WeberDIY
Day 251 - Found It!

Oh hi. It's Tuesday, let's talk about making ideas fly today. Getting ideas off the ground needs creative inspiration. Sometimes inspiration comes from life around us. As I was enjoying my Labor Day yesterday, I found myself looking desperately for a creative project. As I sat I my desk, a few feathers rested against my computer. They were the same feathers used just a few days before in the Me & Martha post. A light bulb went off in the old grey matter. Maybe I could create with feathers, again? Sometimes found objects make the best creative launching pad.

This is a quick project with items that can be found in any office or art bin. For today's project grab the following:

  • thick card stock or watercolor paper
  • black stamp pad
  • a flat found object (feather, leaf ect..)
  • paper plate or paint pallet
  • paint brush or sponge
  • black paint (watercolor if possible)
  • fine black pen

Step 1: Gather supplies and cover work surface. Using the black stamp pad, stamp texture on the car stock or watercolor paper.

Step 2: Using a little black paint, load up your paint brush. Place the found object on the paper over the stamp pad texture. Now paint over and around the object. Repeat as desired. Let paint dry.

Step 3: With a fine pen, fill in the missing details. Now, stand back and admire the work.

Isn't it funny how creative inspiration can be found in stuff sitting around? I need to get back to thinking up a tomorrow's project and looking around for more inspiration. Until tomorrow kids!




SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 250 - Summer's End.

Well, hello. This is it. The unofficial end of summer. I am folding away my summer whites, placing the popsicle molds to the back of the cabinet and throwing the pool toys into the garage. Whether you have kids or not there is something special about summer. It's warm welcoming arms turn us towards fun and give us permission to play. As tan lines fade and we get back into the cycle of routines, it has occurred to me that sometimes we forget to say an official goodbye to summer. 

Today, create a goodbye to summer. Take one last summer bike ride. Go to the beach and soak up the rays. Host an impromptu BBQ. Eat one last leg of fried chicken. Spend every last minute outdoors. Eat one last giant scoop of ice cream. Ride a amusement park ride for the last time. Take one last dip in a pool. Slice one more watermelon. Sit and sip some sun tea. Whatever you do, take one last day to soak up summer and say goodbye.

I'm headed to grab some Fro Yo and soak up the last moments of summer sun. See you tomorrow summer loves!

SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 249 -Me & Martha.

This post contains affiliate links.

Afternoon! Fall is just around the corner and  fall always makes me want to get crafty. For the record, I'm not a big crafter. I'm not big into making my own soap or crayon art. When, however, September rolls around my inner Martha Stewart can't be caged. Martha is one of my favorite people. She has taken creating and glitter to a whole new level. She is a solid self made business woman who continues to capitalize on getting people  to create. In short, I like her style.

Today, let's channel our inner Martha and create this quick fall project that will add a little spice to September, golden glitter feathers. Martha undoubtedly would use fabulous feathers, from a golden goose, only located by boat on the island of Greenwich. She would most likely lovingly gather each perfect feather into a hand woven baskets made by natives. I'm not Martha, so all the supplies for today's project are available either on Amazon or your local craft store.

Golden Glitter Feathers

Step 1: Cover work surface. Tape off the tips of the feathers. Add the paint to the paper plate or pallet.

Step 2: With the paint brush, paint the feathers with the pale bronze paint.

Step 3: Sprinkle the glitter on the tips of the feather and let dry for about 30 minutes.

Step 4: Hot glue a few feathers on a grape vine wreath or string them up with twine. Place them in a glass vase or lay them in a dish. Watch them sparkle and usher in fall.

Enjoy the golden feathers and see to tomorrow all you Martha wannabes!

SeptemberAndra Weber
Day 248 - Stitch Together.

Awe, hello. Good to see you this fine Saturday. It's been quite a week to say the least. When a week like this bubbles up, nostalgia seems make a big entrance. It is as if, thinking about the past clears the way for the future. Today, I was remembering how my mother taught be to sew.  At the young age of 5, I remember sitting on her lap, the loud purr of the sewing machine echoing in my ears as we pushed strips of fabric through the sewing machine to make a bean toss. It was pretty amazing that our hands together created something from a few pieces of scrap. It was one of those moments I will always hold tight.

It's been 30 or more years since I sat down to sew. With all this nostalgia swirling, I pulled out a sewing machine to see what I remembered. As I sat with my 5 year old, all the teachings my mom passed on to me, came flooding back. I showed her how to glide the fabric through the machine and turn the work. After demonstrating how to whip stitch the pillow project, we took a few pieces of fabric created something together. It was pretty magical having her on my lap while passing on a skill I learned from my mom years ago.

Today, pass on a skill that you learned long ago. Create a connection from the past to the present. Perhaps grandma taught you the best way to make noodles? Maybe Uncle Joe taught you the secret way to throw curve ball? Cousin Lilly showed you how grow the best roses? Or your friend Julie schooled you on how to make the best mix tape? Pass on that skill on today to someone. Stitch together people in your life by passing on a skill from the past.

Well, have terrific Saturday. I hope it's magical for you and see you tomorrow kids!

SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 247 - Short Circuit.

Yep, Friday is here. It's been a long week over here. Frankly it's going to be great to end the week with a quick project so we can usher in the weekend with a smile. Here's today's project. Pull out a pad of Post It notes or a piece of paper. Grab a timer and set the timer to one minute. Now draw the following:

  • cat
  • rock
  • happy face
  • ice cream cone
  • water glass
  • book
  • smart phone
  • sun
  • banana
  • leaf
  • turtle
  • pen
  • shoe  
  • tree
  • donut
  • yourself
1 Minute Illustrations.

1 Minute Illustrations.

How many did you get done? When you sketched the objects did your brain short circuit at all? Yep, me too. Circuit through the process again and see what happens. Now, let's go get this weekend started. See you tomorrow weekend warriors!

SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 246 - Dreamland.

Oh, hey. Zzzzzz. Sorry I fell asleep. Have you ever had one of those days when you just can't keep the old peepers open? Yes, today I'm fighting off dreamland. I could grab a late cup of coffee or do a couple of jumping jacks. However, the recommendation is to go get shut eye. We often brush off sleep as something akin to having a craving for a cookie. However, sleep isn't a luxury baked good. It's important part of our physical and mental well being. Studies show adults need more sleep than we allow ourselves, an estimated 8-10 hours of sleep a night. Who has time for that kind of sleep? 

Since starting this blog, I myself get about 5 hours of shut eye a night. The lack of sleep stems from the fact I am going to bed directly after working on creating and my mind is whirling. I'm effectively teaching my body to crash into sleep by not creating wind down time. In short, it's important to have a slow down routine to get off to sleep.

Today's project is to create a bedtime routine. Get our minds ready for dreamland. Take a hot bath, spritz some lavender on your pillow, meditate, read a book, dim the lights, skip caffeine after 3:00 or watch a little television (not in bed). The key is to make a pattern of slow down time so the body recognizes it's a moment to get shut eye.

Well, I'm scooting off to count some sheep and power down the smart phone. Tell the Sandman hello. Until tomorrow sleepy heads! 

SeptemberAndra Weberyet