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Posts tagged memories
Day 257 - You Need To Smell This!

Oh hi! Today, I wish Smell-O-Vision was real. Together we could smell the pot that is simmering on my stove. I'll get to specifics about that pot in minute. For now, let's talk memories. Did you know our strongest memories come from our sense of smell? Read more about the sense of smell and memories here in Psychology Today "Smells That Ring Bells: How Smell Triggers Memories & Emotions." Maybe we remember the smell of our mom baking bread as it wafted through our childhood home. Or the smell of layers of varnish peppering the air in our high school gymnasium. Or the time we turned off the electricity in our college apartment, during summer break, only to return and realize we forgot to clean out the refrigerator. If none of these examples of scent hits home, I bet there is one scent that will conjure up a memory or two for you.

In the meantime, let's get back to discussing the pot that is simmering on my stove. It's a DIY scent concoction that will surely waft in the golden leaves and longer days of fall. Let's throw a few spices in a pot and create a scent tigger that will take us back to a certain time and place. Toss a few pieces of orange rind, 2 tablespoons cloves, 3 cinnamon sticks, 3 bay leaves,1 whole nutmeg and water into a pot. Set the pot with contents on the stove to simmer. After about 20 minutes, the house will fill with an inviting, spicy and generous scent. It might also trigger a life long memory for you. Just don't forget to turn off the stove after you are done sniffing all the goodness.

Funny enough, as the pot sat simmering my husband said the smell took him back to college and then later he said it smelled like his grandma's borscht. Funny how memories are afford us time travel.

Well, drop me a line and let me know how your nose likes the cloves. Until tomorrow folks!

Day 151 - See Shells.

Day 151 - Hello! It's Memorial day here in America and today is a day to remember people lost. It's also a day to celebrate being with family. My brood decided to create memories today and take a trip to the sea shore together. It wasn't an especially beautiful day here. The sky was overcast some of us were a bit grumpy and the traffic turned from smooth sailing to snarled. It wasn't looking good to be a great day. In fact, I was about to turn the whole team around and go home when we decided to take a quick walk on the beach.

I was anticipating with the cranky environment brewing, the walk was going to last no more than five minutes. What I didn't anticipate was something magical was created when we went "see shelling." That is, we created a game to see who could find the most seashells. We also took time to see every shell and take a close look. It turned into a treasure hunt at the beach and created a day that will forever be one of the highlights of seeing my kids grow up. 

Today's project is to take time to create a new way to spend with family. Make up a game, bake a cake, go for a walk or make a phone call but create a new way to spend time together. When I say family, I mean friends too. Find a creative way to hang out and make memories. It's amazing how a simple creative idea can turn a potential bad moment into a great day and create forever lasting moments.

Enjoy the time together and keep looking for those "see shells." You know what they say, there is a pearl in every oyster. "Sea" you tomorrow beachcombers!