Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Posts in September
Grab A Highlighter And Make Your Life Happy.

Sometimes we only have a few minutes to create in our lives. Sometimes the simplest things make the biggest impact in our day like a highlighter. We often think of a highlighter as the accessory to the printed word. A highlighter, however, is so much more. Pick one up and try writing out your favorite quote, making some scribbles or using it to draw a few characters. Then step back and soak in your creativity.


Was your creative break better than a coffee break? 

Until tomorrow friends.

SeptemberAndra Weber
This Is What Happens When You Give Up On Creativity.

It got left behind. In between the mundane tasks of summer and making life organized. Maybe it seemed instantly abandoned, but the detachment happened slowly like a piece of warm salt water taffy pulled in half stretching slowly, languishing at the thought of trying to stay together. It was never far but always seemed too much to juggle when the siren song of warm July and August days made their debut. It sat curled up, loved but not unlike an old beloved family pet, left to its own devices.

It would call, and my voice would respond with:

"I'll get to you in a minute." 


"You will need to wait until I have time."


"I'm too busy right now enjoying this warm summer day."

Isn't that always the case with something that makes us uncomfortable?

We put it on hold. We leave it. We disregard it for later. We stall.

That's where we grow.

This summer I put creativity on hold. I didn't make or do. I went to the beach, played with my kids, ate a bucket of ice cream, traveled to new places, took in sunsets, watched movies and went to bed early. It was a needed respite for the years of thinking, going and doing. Creativity, however, was missing from my life. Like a quarter needed for the car wash that fell between the seats, I realized even more that creativity is the currency to make our lives clean and whole.


First, it gives us direction by providing the possibility of expansion. If we are creating every day, we are working to build something new and grow our lives in a new way. It creates essential building blocks for the future.

Second, it helps us reframe the problems in our lives. Sometimes we think what we think and know what we know. We tell ourselves that's it. Our creativity points us to other options and solutions. 

Third, it challenges us to find compassion for ourselves. Creating isn't easy. Most the time we fail, but creativity helps us to understand there is no right answer, no final product, and beauty in error.


And as we slowly pull ourselves from the hazy days of summer, I am saying hello to my old friend creativity and seeing what meaningful work I can do as fall flirts her falling leaves my way.

How about you old friends?







SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 275 - When You Are At A Loss Of Words.

Um. Hu. Yep, I am at a loss of words. It's always at the most inopportune time. My brain shuts down and I end up providing an awkward silence to an important moment. You what I am talking about, right? A friend tells you he is getting a divorce, your friend's cat passes or your girlfriend asks how you like her new haircut. You try to come up with the right words nothing comes out. 

Finding words that can truly provide empathy are difficult to find especially in the moment. However, the right words are critical to helping other's deal with emotions and ours. The bottom line, it's hard to find the right words in the moment. It doesn't mean we simply can or should ignore those moments. Brushing them under the rug won't help us practice our powers of empathy. In short, it takes time to find the words that need to be said. 

Today's project is to think of a friend or a loved one that has needed support in the past. Maybe you just didn't have the right words to say in the moment. Take time to formulate your thoughts and create a card that will provide the words you needed to say. You can print out these little cards and use them to provoke the words that needed to be said.

Until tomorrow! Wait, wait, wait just a minute. I had a loss of words. 

I wanted to say "Thanks for reading this blog. You have a million things to do and I feel honored that you are taking time out to engage in this ridiculous experiment. I hope you find something that on this blog that will inspire you to take a next step in your life. Did I mention, you look great with bangs!" Ok, now until tomorrow!

SeptemberAndra Weber
Day 274 - Food And Music: 2 Things That Will Make Your Day Better.

Well, hello there! Since it's almost the weekend but not quite the weekend, I thought we could spend some time thinking about how to make Thursday better. On all accounts, Thursday is a pretty good day. It's less dreary than Wednesday and more productive than Friday. However, Thursday still requires a full day of hustle. There is no day dreaming or checking out for the weekend on a Thursday. It's full steam ahead until Friday graces us with it's presence.

Last night our family scooted on over for some live music and a picnic in the park. It was a delightful night to be together despite the unseasonably cold weather and it made for a fun break in the week. Today or tonight rather, let's do the same. Create a night with food and music right at home. Pick a new recipe, cue up a new playlist and invite over a few friends. Now get cooking and get ready to shake it together. Savor every bite together as you eat, laugh and dance until Friday says hello. What is it about food and music? They have a way of creating time to experience the good things in life.

Until Friday folks! 

SeptemberAndra Weberfood, family
Day 273 - How To Get Things Done.

Oh hey there. I don't know about you but I am way behind on everything. There are e-mails to answer, phone calls to make and people who need things. However, lately, I am in a terrible habit of running in circles. When things get complicated and overwhelming, feeling scattered can put us in a terrible mindset. We can't tackle anything because everything seems like a priority. Lists and systems, either digital or analog, can be an important way to keep it all together.

In the past, I used lists to keep me on track. However, with all the moving parts lately, who has time to keep a list? Somedays, I don't even have time to get on my pants. Someone I know mentioned I should try bullet journaling. All the cool kids are doing it. Maybe we should try it out? Frankly it seems complicated but I'll try anything to keep it all together. Today, let's create a Bullet Journal and try out this new system of keeping things organized.

Here is the Bullet Journal's official video and website for bullet journaling. All you need is a notebook and a pen. It seems simply complicated but why not give it a whirl? Hopefully, it will help us get things done.

Drop me a line and let me know what you think of Bullet Journaling. Until tomorrow organized folks!

SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 272 - Why We Can Find Love In A Debate.

Hello Politicos. Did you watch the debate last night? It was an entertaining clash of two individuals with two decidedly different view points. After watching the debate, it seems less about which side or where we will place our vote. It's the debate that matters.

We live in a country where there is debate. That is to say, we have the freedom to select, the freedom to speak and the freedom to watch a woman and man fight for their different ideals. After watching, Hilary and Donald spit it out, it is apparent that each of these candidates loves America. However, they have very different world views. Today, let's try to gain insight on these world views and what someone might see in their preferred candidate.

In the honor of furthering debate, find someone today and create a great (civil) debate. Here are three questions to provide a start to the discussion:

  • What candidate most closely aligns with your core values?
  • Which candidate would be able to see your world view?
  • Who would you want to be trapped in an elevator with?

Remember to keep it civil and find empathy in the other person's point of view. See you tomorrow great Americans!




SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 271 - 5 Ways To Make A Manic Monday Better.

Oh hey. Here we go again. Why do Monday's just keep coming? I guess the week always needs to start somewhere. Monday really does take the brunt of a lot of grumpy energy. I guess it's because Monday's are a consistent reminder that we have responsibilities and promises to keep. Today, we can't tell ourselves "I'll tackle that horrible, exhausting project on Monday!" because Monday is here. Let's face it, it's time to get down to brass tax.

Today's project is to make a list of 5 ways to make your Manic Monday better. You can use this list below as a spring board for your list. The goal is to turn your Monday from blah to beautiful.

  1. Learn A New Word Today. Use It In A Conversation.
  2. Eat Something Indulgent For Breakfast.
  3. Text Someone You Haven't Talk To In A While.
  4. Take A Friend Out For A Muffin.
  5. Tip Someone. This Can Be A Compliment, Joke Or Cash.

I wish you luck on this Manic Monday and see you tomorrow! On Tuesday. Whew.

SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 270 - Why The Design Of An Apple Matters.

Hey Everyone! It's Sunday and today is observation time. When was the last time we thought about the design of something? Looking around us there are so many things that are designed and designed well. Take for example the indoor toilet. The design hasn't changed much over the years and it works well most of the time. How about the pen? Sure, there are variations and colors but they all work off the same principle, gravity and ink. Look at nature's design. No one beats nature when it comes to design.

Take the apple as an example. It's pretty perfect with it's smooth outside and crunchy inside. It's sweet while being a little bit sour.  Apples come in a range of perfect colors from pastel pink to vivacious green. They have delicate patterning and a, mighty little wooden stem that holds tight to a branch. When they fall off the tree, they rot, the seeds go into the ground and poof, a new tree forms. The cycle continues.

Today, pick up an apple and study it. Create awareness and respect for the design provided by mother nature. It might sound like I am being a little preachy but I continually take the design of nature for granted. From the air we breath to the food we eat, it all goes on without much human intervention and it is pretty amazing.

Did I mention apples also make a great fall crisp? Here's a great recipe for a perfect fruit thanks to Food & Wine magazine: Granny Smith Apple Crisp.

Until tomorrow Apple Jacks!



SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 269 - With Love In Your Heart.

Hello Love! It's Saturday and what makes Saturday great?  Family. What could make Saturday even better? By making an addition to your family! Our little brood has been without a pet for over a year now. My littlest has been begging me for a cat. His big blue eyes filling with tears daily wanting a little creature to love. Well, today's project is to create love in your heart and adopt a pet.

We didn't get a cat but we now have a pet fish named "Waterproof." Funny, how much I resisted this change. I was full of the excuses and resistance. However, to see the joy this little fish is bringing to the household is downright heart bursting. Everyone is checking on Waterproof and saying "hi." We ate breakfast with him this morning and played Go Fish while he looked on. The kids are calling Waterproof the fifth family member. There just something about pets that make a house a home.

Give your existing pet a squeeze, pat or a tap and get out there adopt another pet. Create that love in your heart that will forever create joy in your life.

Until tomorrow pet lovers!

SeptemberAndra Weberfamily, yet
Day 268 - Every Serious Book Needs A Pom Pom.

Hello Frilly Friday! Yep, we are going to go DIY all the way today. Let's create something soooo cute even the tired and grumpy will feel a burst of happy today. A few years back I started to learn to knit. Like every hobby I have ever started and stopped, somewhere in a dark corner there are supplies lurking. What is it about hobbies? We start them and then the yogurt maker or table saw gets pushed further and further back in the garage to the land of the lost. Well, I say dig up those supplies today, dust them off and let's create something fun.

As I mentioned previously, I learned to knit a while back. The box with beautiful yarn calls to me often from the dark recess of my closet. Today, I pulled the yarn and consulted Pinterest. DIY pom pom bookmarks are pretty adorable and easy. It's like having a pint size cheerleader hovering over each page. Perfect.

Today's project is to create a pom pom bookmark. If DIY, pom pom bookmarks just seem silly to you, it's because they are ridiculous. If they are a complete turn off, it's ok. Drag out that beer making gear and start brewing. Or pull out the dusty old bowling ball and head to the lanes. Dust off your magician gear. We start a hobbies for a reasons that are sometimes unclear to us and we often abandon them in the same way. Let's create time to get passionate again about something we once loved. After all, every serious book needs a pom pom.

For all of those interested in making fluffy, soft and joyful pom poms, here are the steps.

See you tomorrow hobby enthusiast!

SeptemberAndra WeberDIY, yet
Day 267 - A Recipe And A Tired Girl.

Hey. Oh gosh I'm tired today. How about you? Who here feels like it should be the end of the week? Frankly, I am a bit at the tired today. Wait, I already mentioned that didn't I? Some people ask me how I can create a blog post everyday. When I stand back it does seem heavy on the crazy. First, I need to come up with an idea. Next shopping needs to be done for styling or food. Then photographs taken, video produced, illustrations drawn, editing and scanning visuals, writing a headline, writing the post, proof reading and then back end work for SEO and finally business stuff. 

In short, as anyone creating at full speed, it's pretty amazing fun but sometimes tired becomes inevitable. I was brainstorming about what to produce for today's post and nothing came to mind. Nothing. A terrifying idea spread through me "What if this is it? What if I can't think of another project." Then I was reminded that creating should be something we incorporate into our lives. Perhaps instead of looking for a project, I should think about "applying creativity" to what I already know. So, I did what I do when I have any life crisis. I cook. Straight into my kitchen, I pulled open the refrigerator door and loaded up a pile of ingredients on the kitchen counter.

I decided I was going to make a new recipe. I determined it didn't matter if the dish turned out delicious or if anyone spit it out. I decided to try "applying creativity" by listing the constraints: 1) the dish needed to take no more than a half hour  2) there were a set number of ingredients 3) pasta usually gets a gold star


With these constraints, I made a caramelized fennel, onion and sausage pasta toss. It turned out pretty tasty. What, however, made it delicious is the feeling of applying creativity and seeing the outcome. Today's project is to identify your constraints and then apply your creativity in the kitchen. Create a new recipe today. For all people saying you can't cook. I can't do this project. Toast counts!

If you would like the recipe for Caramelized Fennel and Sausage Toss, send me a message and let's swap recipes. Otherwise get cooking and see you tomorrow creative cooks! 

SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 266 - The Card That Keeps On Giving.

Oh hello family! Aren't families funny? Just like recipes, family gatherings need the right components and bake time to make something great. However, think about the lack of story our lives would contain without our families. Take for instance, my paternal grandmother. She was a spitfire. She grew up during the Great Depression but even it couldn't stop her from being a REAL firecracker. There wasn't a moment when she didn't speak her mind.

There was the time she told the guy at the big box store he didn't need all that beer. The time she whispered to my brother that in case of divorce, he got the comforter gift she purchased for their wedding present. She drove a mini van until she was ninety-three years old and didn't mind telling anyone to get out of her way. However, what I remember best about her was she always could put life in perspective. Oh, and she could cook.

Grandma is gone now. When she passed, my family asked if there was anything I wanted from her belongings. I welcomed her recipe box and her wooden rolling pin. Today, I pulled out the recipe box. It isn't fancy. The plastic is worn and the design is dated. The recipes inside are tattered and torn. However, with each card, I think of a time and a place in my life. From Thanksgiving dinners to summer suppers, whether good or bad, each of these moments filled my life with a story.

Today, pull out a recipe and create a memory. Think of the story that goes along with the recipe. Write down or e-mail the recipe and the story. Pass it on to someone in your life. Maybe you have a hummus recipe that is always the summer darling at any party. Or a chocolate cake recipe that makes you remember dad. Perhaps your chicken noodle recipe can comfort any cold. Whatever recipe you select, just remember it's the card that keeps on giving.

Until tomorrow family!

Day 265 - The Old Of It.

Oh, it's Tuesday and honestly who here is feeling particularly creative today? No, me neither. Sometimes our creative energy get's tapped out. This is when we need to look to others to find our way to the future.

Someone asked me yesterday the following "If you had to carry one book around for the rest of your life, it would be _______, because ________." This seems like an unfair question. How do you pick? It's like trying to pick a favorite pet. They were all loved in a special way and all are uniquely important.

At first, the question stumped me. I used my mind rolodex to review all the books read in my lifetime. None of the books seemed worthy to be placed in a category of timeless, classic and perfect. Next, I perused my desk where book spines are lined up one by one like balancing dominos. They all churned up ancient feelings and memories. Each were old friends that marked a time and space that no longer exists.

There were the travel books collected for adventuring and exploring to far flung countries. Art history books that brought back memories of studying art in dusty halls, the musty scent still memorable. There were cookbooks full of hopeful experiences and splattered pages of failed experiments. There were the long string of business books filled with gurus that seemed to know the path. The design books that solidified the notion design can solve problems and bring change to the world.

There, however was one book at the bottom of the pile, in the back of the garage, in a box that I have carried around with me for most of my life.

My dad came home one day from work, it might have been the summertime. The days were long living on the end of nowhere. I read a lot in my bedroom, lying next to the air condition grate as the summer heat beat outside. I was nine or ten years old. He handed me a book. It had a crunchy brown paper cover with serious looking type. I was use to fluffy books such as "The Adventures In Babysitting", so this book looked grown up. My dad convinced me I'd like it even though the cover seemed dry and stuffy. He was right. 

To answer the above question, "If I had to carry one book around for the rest of my life, it would be "The Thurber Carnival" by James Thurber because it taught me creativity has no limits. I pulled out the book today and flipped through the pages. Opening this book stopped me from wondering why I have kept this book through every move and transition. Cracking open the book, I was reminded that Thurber wasn't just a writer. He drew cartoons as well. I still giggled even today at those cartoons. They are timeless, creative and the old of it is, they are perfect. 

Now for today's project. Take the question above "If you had to carry one book around for the rest of your life, it would be _______, because ________."  and create a story why a certain book is important to you. Pull out that book. Take a peek and then place it somewhere in a place of honor.

Until tomorrow.

SeptemberAndra WeberBooks, yet
Day 264 - You Need This No Calorie Birthday Cake Now.

Hello Birthday! No it's not my birthday but I know someone who's birthday is tomorrow. She is a super duper important person in my life. Whenever it's her birthday, I always try to find something special for her. It's hard to find a gift says how important she is to me. She's the one that babysat me, took me to my first bar and let me sleep in her guest room when I was broke as a joke. She is the one that continues to make sure I don't take things too seriously by intermittently sending me glitter bombs. She's my big sister and it's her birthday tomorrow.

As I have said before on this blog, birthday's are big at our house. No one does birthday stuff better than the site Oh Happy Day! Do you need a super special piñata to get the party started? Oh Happy Day! is a wealth of resources and and an online shop to get any party rocking, with style, right from the start. With that said, I found this adorable gift box tutorial. For today's project, let's give it a whirl. You can find the step by step on Oh Happy Day! or take a look at this video as I try to construct this sweet little birthday box. 

A couple things to note, I only used hot glue for the entire project. All the paper supplies can be found at Target. I forgot the happy birthday banner on the side of the box and I used a butter knife to score the edges of the box tabs. The beautiful one-of-a-kind handmade JaxKelly stud earrings that are "sisters not twins" can be purchased on Etsy here: JaxKelly Handmade Jewlery.

Well, I am afraid I have ruined the surprise but I hope big sis loves this little package. I think this will be the best no calorie birthday cake ever! I'm off to get it into the mail. Until tomorrow kids!

Day 263 - Water Your World Amazing.

Hey. It's water works today over here. That is to say, we are going to work with watercolors for today's project. My friend keeps asking me the fastest way to create something to fill a blank wall and watercolors offer that kind of magic. Watercolors are a creative medium that is fresh, exciting and modern. The layering of color and the excitement of the water drying, adds anticipation to the creative process. Watercolors are also alluring and unexpected in both the process and the result. When you have a wall to cover, they offer an opportunity for a quick solution and make a big impact. Plus, who doesn't like to play with water? The most important lesson to remember about watercolor is restraint. Watercolors guide you, not the reverse.

Let's get those walls covered and start today's project with an oversized modern watercolor print. Here are the tools needed. All can be purchased at Blick Art supplies.

Here are step by step instructions and a video to walk you through the process.

Step 1: Tape the poster sized ( 22" x 30") paper to a work surface. With a ruler measure 3 inches in on each side and mark the 3 inches with a pencil. This will create a specified white boundary and a work area for you. (measuring a boundary is optional but recommended)

Step 2: Cut strips of artists tape approximately 3 inches long. Within the work area, make a design with the tape. Place some tape closer together and some farther away. Remember, where the tape sits will leave white negative space and everything around it will be paint and water.

Step 3: Squeeze out the watercolor on a paper plate or pallet. Dip the brush in a cup of water. Now add paint to the brush. Start to brush the water and paint on the work area over the tape. Remember, watercolor painting is all about the beauty of restraint. Place the water and paint on the paper and resist moving the paint and water around.

Step 4: Let dry completely. Peel up all the paint strips and sign your work. All that is needed now is a frame!

Have fun coloring your world amazing today with water and see you tomorrow waterworks!

SeptemberAndra Weberwatercolor, yet
Day 262 - A Lady Of The Night.

Good day to all the shutterbugs out there. Night Photography Week on Creative Live ended yesterday. If anyone missed the free classes, there is an on demand pass available for each class for $39 or a Night Photography Package for $179. I highly recommend Gabriel Biderman's Night Photography Fundamentals or Matt Hill's Portraits At Night. These classes offer an excellent and thorough explanation of what is needed to start creating with a camera at night.

One of my favorite techniques learned was night painting. The technique involves leaving the shutter open and using a bright light, such as a flashlight, in order for light to become the paint. You most likely have seen this technique done with sparklers or a flashlight. Yesterday, I received a remote switch and I was bursting to get started. I originally set up the camera on my roof to capture the full moon only to find the Bay Area fog had rolled in at the worst possible time. So, I tried night painting last night on the roof. Here are some shots.

Cool right? Now, you are thinking "Well, that's neat but I don't own a SLR camera. I'm not going to be able take these neat shots." Good news! There are smart phone apps available for downloaded powerful enough to create night painting. I haven't tried either but I hear  Slow Sutter Cam or Night Cam Pro  for the i-Phone are a good start for very basic night photography shots. Today create night painting and make yourself a lady or gentleman of the night!

Until tomorrow shutter bugs.

Day 261 - Design Never Out Of Reach.

Hello Friday! We are back in the saddle today and recovering from yesterday's power tool post. After some downtime, I was able to slide the two wooden pieces firmly together to create the magazine rack we carved up yesterday. Success! It's semi-functional. Now let's take these slabs of wood up a notch. Let's pull out the design eye so the magazine rack dazzles in any living space. That way, a magazine is never out of reach.

Sandpaper, paint, blue painters tape and a small paint brush will be needed to take this magazine rack from frumpy to fabulous. 

Step 1: Sand down both boards. This makes a mess so, step outside. 

Step 2: Tape down your design. Remember to leave some of the wood peaking through. Negative space works in our favor here.


Step 3: Paint the area desired and then wipe off some paint. This creates a white washed effect. Let the paint dry. Peel off the tape.

Step 4: Push the two boards together and load up the magazines. Ta Da! 

Broken up, this project took less than two hours. Not a bad way to store magazines just lying around. I'd give it a few days before someone trips over it and the wood cracks but this was a fun, easy and useful way to create with power tools. Until tomorrow DIY HGTV lovers!

Day 260 - Just A Girl & A Power Tool.

Hey! Welcome to Thursday and a whole new way to create, at least for me. Who here has used a power tool before today? Not me. Well, unless you count a flashlight which I am pretty sure would be classified as a survival tool. Well, that is not exactly true. I have used a drill in my life time. However, for me, using a drill usually ends with the patching of drywall. In short, I'm not very good in the power tool department. However, there is something invigorating, alluring and scary about using fast moving tools powered by volts of electricity. What could go wrong?

Today, let's dive in and create something with a power tool. After looking through Pinterest, this DIY simple magazine rack looks like an easy, fresh and modern way to try our hand at creating with power tools. All the directions are right in the link. Here are a few photos from my first attempt at using a jigsaw power tool.

I'm not really measuring here. This photo is a total lie. I'm pretending that I am good at accuracy.

I'm not really measuring here. This photo is a total lie. I'm pretending that I am good at accuracy.

Notice the two lines? Both are wrong. I had to measure 5 times.

Notice the two lines? Both are wrong. I had to measure 5 times.

This is right before I started sweating from fear. Look at that blade! 

This is right before I started sweating from fear. Look at that blade! 

This is right after I realized I was unable to take a photo and use a power tool at the same time. Don't ever try this at home! 

This is right after I realized I was unable to take a photo and use a power tool at the same time. Don't ever try this at home! 

I can firmly say I was terrified to use a jigsaw. After sweating it out for 2 hours, I Googled "Power Tool Safety" and found the following power tool safety tips from OSHA.

  • Operate electric tools within their design limitations.
  • Use gloves and appropriate safety footwear when using electric tools.
  • Store electric tools in a dry place when not in use.
  • Do not use electric tools in damp or wet locations unless they are approved for that purpose.
  • Keep work areas well lighted when operating electric tools.
  • Ensure that cords from electric tools do not present a tripping hazard. 

Now a few safety tips from me: 

  • Keep a SLR camera on a wobbly tripod away from a moving jig saw.
  • Don't use a 100 ft extension cord when you only need 10 feet. Hello concussion!
  • Measure at least 5 times and cut only on the line. Right on the line. No, not the first line drawn. The fifth.
  • Don't try to turn a jigsaw at a 90 degree angle while at full power.
  • Using a shipping box as a cutting support is not ideal.
  • When a part falls off a power tool, don't just put it back in the box. Google it.
If you were a fly on the wall at this moment, you would have heard me giggling with glee as I had cut my first piece with a power tool. Cut might be too generous of a description as the piece broke off. I'll take it!

If you were a fly on the wall at this moment, you would have heard me giggling with glee as I had cut my first piece with a power tool. Cut might be too generous of a description as the piece broke off. I'll take it!

A peek at the final product. It fit together, almost.

A peek at the final product. It fit together, almost.

Our first go around at power tools was fun but there is still more work to do. Stay tuned. Tomorrow, with a little sanding and paint, we will take this magazine rack from "It fits together!" to "Living room ready!" or maybe more like "Back of the garage ready!" Until tomorrow budding Bob Villas!

SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 259 - You Can Quit At Anytime.

Oh hey. Here we are today. I was going to dive into more night photography for today's post but I am waiting for some special gear to arrive. More on night photography in the days ahead. If you haven't checked out the free live course on Creative LiveNight Photography Week, it's a great class that runs free all week. Did I mention it's free?

That leaves today. Are you like me and feeling a bit lost in it all? It's hard to see progress being made when life can seem like a bunch of falling leaves falling off a perfect, beautiful tree. No mater how desperately we try to place the leaves back on the tree, it's never going to happen. That's life. Things fall apart. Things don't work out. People leave. Things are sad. Opportunities lost. Seasons change. Like a computer trying to save a huge document, sometimes life doesn't seem to be making progress as fast as we need or want. The saving bar hardly moves. We wonder if we should just shut down and turn off. Sometimes it's refreshing to know we always have the option of quitting anytime.

However, in these moments it's the act of creating that can stop us from quitting. Today, I had a moment when I just thought "What is this all for?" "This might be it. I'm too tired to create anything. I would rather just go sit on the couch and watch television." Then I looked around at my absurdly messy office. There are stacks of illustrations everywhere. 259 days ago I didn't have one. No, not a one. As I searched through my photos today, I realized I have taken thousands of photos over the last nine months and continue to learn the art of photography. Most importantly, I have made connections and listened to stories of what creating means to others. I realized that if I turned off the computer and walked away, I would never know what happens next. I had a falling leaf moment.

Today's project is to use a leaf to symbolize how to reframe perspective. Pick up a leaf or a few outside. Grab a Sharpie marker and use the leaf as a surface to doodle. Now hang up the leaf in a place as a reminder of how reframing can help us keep going. Fallen leaves can never be placed back on a tree but it doesn't mean they can't blow in the wind. 

Until tomorrow.

SeptemberAndra Weberyet
Day 258 - Do Night Photography Week.

Hey All. Who here is a casual photographer? If you own a SLR camera or can borrow a friends, there is an interesting and highly creative Night Photography Week class that is going on right now. It's running all week and is completely free to watch live on Creative Live. This is a highly informative class and a shows fascinating ways to create in the dark. Personally, I never considered night photography. It just never seemed as if I would capture an interesting photo in the dark. After one day of class, I can see the allure and the magic. Taking photos at night can create interesting and dynamic works of creativity. However, for me what makes it appealing is the fresh perspective it can bring to the world. It also a little bit dangerous too which always gets the blood pumping and makes life exciting.

Today's project is to create a night photograph and start watching the class Night Photography Week on Creative Live. If you don't have an SLR, it's ok. Try to use your smart phone to capture something at night. Just pull out your phone or camera and try! It's amazing what can come out of stepping out to create in the dark.

After watching day one of this class, I found myself on the roof of my house trying to shoot the moon, literally! Unfortunately, I couldn't get a photo of the moon but I did manage to take a photo of the BART train speeding by. It's a pretty horrible photograph but it was amazing see the world from a whole new way to create.

Well, I'm going to get back to the Night Photography Week class. Let's see what the night makes you create. Post your photos on the Create & Change Facebook page. Until tomorrow night shutterbugs.