Design & Creative Development

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Posts tagged ocean
Day 151 - See Shells.

Day 151 - Hello! It's Memorial day here in America and today is a day to remember people lost. It's also a day to celebrate being with family. My brood decided to create memories today and take a trip to the sea shore together. It wasn't an especially beautiful day here. The sky was overcast some of us were a bit grumpy and the traffic turned from smooth sailing to snarled. It wasn't looking good to be a great day. In fact, I was about to turn the whole team around and go home when we decided to take a quick walk on the beach.

I was anticipating with the cranky environment brewing, the walk was going to last no more than five minutes. What I didn't anticipate was something magical was created when we went "see shelling." That is, we created a game to see who could find the most seashells. We also took time to see every shell and take a close look. It turned into a treasure hunt at the beach and created a day that will forever be one of the highlights of seeing my kids grow up. 

Today's project is to take time to create a new way to spend with family. Make up a game, bake a cake, go for a walk or make a phone call but create a new way to spend time together. When I say family, I mean friends too. Find a creative way to hang out and make memories. It's amazing how a simple creative idea can turn a potential bad moment into a great day and create forever lasting moments.

Enjoy the time together and keep looking for those "see shells." You know what they say, there is a pearl in every oyster. "Sea" you tomorrow beachcombers!